anager is key to success in real estate。 Finding a good manager is more important to me than the real estate。 A great property manager often hears of great deals before real estate agents do; which makes them even more valuable。
That is what rich dad meant by 〃 "I don"t wants" hold the key to your success。〃 Because I do not want to fix toilets either; I figured out how to buy more real estate and expedite my getting out of the rat race。 The people who continue to say 〃I don"t want to fix toilets〃 often deny themselves the use of this powerful investment vehicle。 Toilets are more important than their freedom。
In the stock market; I often hear people say; 〃I don"t want to lose money。〃 Well; what makes them think I or anyone else likes losing money? They don"t make money because they chose to not lose money。 Instead of analyzing; they close their minds to another powerful investment vehicle; the stock market。
In December 1996;1 was riding with a friend past our neighborhood gas station。 He looked up and saw that the price of oil was going up。 My friend is a worry wart or a 〃Chicken Little。〃 To him; the sky is always going to fall; and it usually does; on him。
When we got home; he showed me all the stats as to why the price of oil was going to go up over the next few years。 Statistics I had never seen before; even though I already owned a substantial share block of an existing oil pany。 With that information; I immediately began looking for and found a new undervalued oil pany that was about to find some oil deposits。 My broker was excited about this new pany; and I bought 15;000 shares for 65 cents per share。
In February 1997; this same friend and I drove by the same gas station; and sure enough; the price per gallon had gone up nearly 15 percent。 Again; the 〃Chicken Little〃 worried and plained。 I smiled because in January 1997; that little oil pany hit oil and those 15;000 shares went up to more than 3 per share since he had first given me the tip。 And the price of gas will continue to go up if what my friend says is true。
Instead of analyzing; their little chicken closes their mind。 If most people understood how a 〃stop〃 worked in stock…market investing; there would be more people …investing to win instead of investing not to lose。 A 〃stop〃 is simply a puter mand that sells your stock automatically if the price begins to drop; helping to minimize your losses and maximize some gains。 It"s a great tool for those who are terrified of losing。
So whenever I hear people focusing on their 〃I don"t wants;〃 rather than what they do want; I know the 〃noise〃 in their head must be loud。 Chicken Little has taken over their brain and is yelling; 〃The sky is falling and toilets are breaking。〃 So they avoid their 〃don"t wants;〃 but they pay a huge price。 They may never get what they want in life。
Rich dad gave me a way of looking at Chicken Little。 〃Just do what Colonel Sanders did。〃 At the age of 66; he lost his business and began to live on his Social Security check。 It wasn"t enough。 He went around; the country selling his recipe for fried chicken。 He was turned down 1;009 times before someone said 〃yes。〃 And he went on to bee a
multimillionaire at an age when most people are quitting。 〃He was a brave and tenacious man;〃 rich dad said of Harlan Sanders。
So when you"re in doubt and feeling a little afraid; just do what Col。 Sanders did to his little chicken。 He fried it。
Reason No。 3。 Laziness。 Busy people are often the most lazy。 We have all heard stories of a businessman who works hard to earn money。 He works hard to be a good provider for his wife and children。 He spends long hours at the office and brings work home on weekends。 One day he es home to an empty house。 His wife has left with the kids。 He knew he and his wife had problems; but rather than work to make the relationship strong; he stayed busy at work。 Dismayed; his performance at work slips and he loses his job。
Today; I often meet people who are too busy to take care of their wealth。 And there are people too busy to take care of their health。 The cause is the same。 They"re busy; and they stay busy as a way of avoiding something they do not want to face。 Nobody has to tell them。 Deep down they know。 In fact; if you remind them; they often respond with anger or irritation。
If they aren"t busy at work or with the kids; they"re often busy watching TV; fishing; playing golf or shopping。 Yet; deep down they know they are avoiding something important。 That"s the most mon form of laziness。 Laziness by staying busy。
So what is the cure for laziness? The answer is a little greed。
For many of us; we were raised thinking of greed or desire as bad。 〃Greedy people are bad people;〃 my mom use to say。 Yet; we all have inside of us this yearning to have nice things; new things or exciting things。 So to keep that emotion of desire under control; often parents found ways of suppressing that desire with guilt。
〃You only think about yourself。 Don"t you know you have brothers and sisters?〃 was one of my mom"s favorites。 Or 〃You want me to buy you what?〃 was a favorite of my dad。 〃Do you think we"re made of money? Do you think money grows on trees? We"re not rich people; you know。〃
It wasn"t so much the words but the angry guilt…trip that went with the words that got to me。
Or the reverse guilt…trip was the 〃I"m sacrificing my life to buy this for you。 I"m buying this for you because I never had this advantage when I was a kid。〃 I have a neighbor who is stone broke; but can"t park his car in his garage。 The garage is filled with toys for his kids。 Those spoiled brats get everything they ask for。 〃I don"t want them to know the feeling of want〃 are his everyday words。 He has nothing set aside for their college or his retirement; but his kids have every toy ever made。 He recently got a new credit card in the mail and took his kids to visit Las Vegas。 〃I"m doing it for the kids;〃 he said with great sacrifice。
Rich dad forbade the words 〃I can"t afford it。〃
In my real home; that"s all I heard。 Instead; rich dad required his children to say; 〃How can I afford it?〃 His reasoning; the words 〃I can"t afford it〃 shut down your brain。 It didn"t have to think anymore。 〃How can I
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