Friday; September 14; 2007
The paper for chapter 1 of math regarding sets; intersection and union were handed out this morning and on the top of mine; a number “95” scratching throughout the blank part。 A mistake in the “fill in the blanks” made me miss my dreaming 100; but I was not so let down by the result because I thought for a new learner; the questions were a little harder; if I hadn’t taught myself; then maybe an “80” would be on my paper。
My thoughts were proved by my math teacher; Niobe; according to whom; that in another two socalled “creative class” (in fact students consist of those who got the highest score in their high school entrance exam); a large number of students only got roughly 80; scores higher than 95 were rare and some even lower than 60。 Hearing this I began to feel quite satisfied with my ability of prelearning; but …
“See; pal; I have got 100” Stanley yelled to his close friend; Dean。
“Oh; e on; don’t be foolish”
This conversation was like thunder in a sunny day; which stuck through my proud bubblelike heart。
Gradually the result was revealed; that there were more than 20 “100” in our class and the majority was higher than 90 while none of us was under 70。 That was a splendid result; Niobe admitted; and our high level forced her to a dilemma。 Since “the native” (students from the junior high school) in HSFZ had already learnt all the math for senior 1 and mastered the knowledge quite well; continuing teaching math for senior 1 seemed to be a waste of time。 On the other hand; the other students came from other schools had only learnt the knowledge on their own instead of being taught by teachers; so that they couldn’t use the new knowledge to solve problems freely。 How could one teacher meet the different requirement of speed? “The native” claimed that another teacher should be cast to teach them at a higher speed and joked that they want Dean (a student who is talented at math) to be their captain。 Of course; Niobe wouldn’t agree with their ridiculous whimsy; because once doing so and if they failed to keep a priority in study to other classes (that seemed had became a tradition that each “class 1” is bound to be the best by logic); Niobe was the one who had to shoulder the responsibility。
Glorious defeat(1)
Monday; September 24; 2007
An annual important event came unexpectedly: the HSFZ school wide petitions of table tennis and badminton。 Each class should form as one team to pete。 The event made the students in our class act with undue hurry and confusion。 The reason why we were in such a haste is that there are only 7 girls in our class while the petitions required at least 8 girls to participatetwo for singles; four for women’s doubles and two for mixed doubles and no one was allowed to take part in more than one event for either badminton or table tennis; which indicated all the girls should join in them no matter how badly she played。 In fact; one of us was unable to play either badminton or table tennis。 Therefore; the average of our petitiveness will be reduced。
With poor skills in table tennis (it seems so in my classmates’ eyesto which I strongly object); I was appointed to play women’s double by the couch of our class team。 Reluctantly accepting the assignment; I applied myself to play better; in order to contribute to our group。 I am a part of a whole; so sacrificing my pride for the sake of our group is necessary。
In the first round of the elimination tournament; we played with class 7 and overcame them effortlessly; for the simple reason that they couldn’t even do a high toss serve demanded by the rules But the man’s single was not so smooth; the arrogant Jerry ran into an expert and the two did have a “blood fight” before Jerry eventually managed to beat him with a minimal lead。 We passed the second round without doubt as a result of our excellent techniques。 Jerry forced his opponent to make mistakes by putting pressure on his backhand and hitting open space on his forehand side。 Once the opponent managed to block it; a smashed ball would be fired; gaining another point on Jerry’s score board。 The score rocketed wildly to 104。 Confident of getting the last point undoubtedly; Jerry fooled his opponent with his serve; using so much backspin; and the ball almost died when it hit the other half of the table。 Thus Jerry succeeded in defeating his opponent。
The process of our mixed doubles was quite pleasing; with the pairing of Leo and Iris; they opened brilliantly with a 50 lead as the other pair looked bewildered。 Leo’s forehand chop was always an edge ball which contributed a lot to their rapid success。 As for me; my short serves kept my opponent on her toes; and Angela; my partner; fired the ball directly to where the girl got my return; making it virtually impossible for her to get away to let her partner push it back due to difficult footwork involved。
When it came to the third round; things began to go wrong。 The opponents were students from Senior 3; Class 4; among them there were some professional players—one of them went so far as to rank third in the tournament in Guangdong province。
Glorious defeat(2)
Poor Jerry happened to play against the “PingPong King”。 At the very beginning of their match; the PingPong king sent two hook balls with so much spin that once Jerry’s paddle reached it; it automatically flew out of the table。 Jerry did a backhand topspin serve; dreaming of getting even with him—which proved to be too nave; for the PingPong king returned the ball easily; forcing it spin in a reverse direction; and sent a long drive to Jerry’s open forehand side。 Jerry couldn’t react in time; and another point was lost。 The following match was terrible; for the PingPong king’s assorted techniques kept Jerry stunned; dazzled and confused; forehand chop; backhand sidespin; long drive; block shot; smash; and each one was enough to drive Jerry crazy。 To make the matter worse; the spin of the ball shot by the PingPong king was really hard to read; he tempted Jerry with a return that looked like high pushes but actually had topspin; or cheated him by sending a choplike ball which had a sidespin
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