n from time to time。 Therefore; the result of man’s single was bewildering; Jerry lost it by 111
In the woman’s double; there was something wrong with my sidespin serve; which always hit the table on the same side。 Because the rule demanded the serve to be crosscourt; several points were lost due to my unfivable mistakes。 Apparently Angela lost grip of her ball; too。 She just kept driving the ball into the net or nearly missing the table。
Consequently; they defeated us by winning 3 sets over 2 sets。 Reluctantly saying goodbye to the match; we all swore that we’d perform better next year to get even。
Fascinating Chemistry
Monday; October 22; 2007
Never before had I been so intrigued by Chemistry until I began performing numerous experiments since I came to my new school (The Affiliated We are conducting and discussing the experiments in pairs。(左一:陈立)High School of South China Normal University)。 Before this; when I was a student in junior high school; we learned Chemistry only from books。 Only on occasions when such an experiment was highlighted in the textbook; would our teacher carry it out for the whole class; which made minor sense in parison with experiencing all the processes on our own (You will see what I mean below)。 Thus; I followed the mechanical method of memorizing everything from the textbooks; which did effectively help me bee one of the best students in Chemistry in my school。 However; it made Chemistry a dull subject that never appealed to me。 The single motive of working hard on it originated from my admiration of academic excellence instead of my own particular interest。 These experiments magically reversed my perception of Chemistry。 Let me tell you something about these experiments。
With only 12 students in the Chemistry group; the school took us as elites and a certain teacher was appointed to direct us into the world of Chemistry (Our class is different from others class because it is formed by three groups and each member was selected from a special entrance exam given by the school)。 Also because our main task is to pete for the first prize in national or even international petitions; every property of a new element or material we learn about always es by means of a series of exploratory experiments through which we were able to learn knowledge by heart。
In the past few days we have performed a series of experiments in an attempt to know the properties of the elements of the halogen family; in which the members are all oxidizing agents。 Belonging to the halogen family; fluorine is the most active nonmetal in the periodic chart。
When I mixed the solution of Cl2 and Na2S together; a lot of blackyellow deposit was formed in the solution and then precipitated to the bottom of the test tube; which was considered as S according to the introduction of Chlorine in the text book。 As we added more solution of Cl2; those deposits vanished。 Deeply attracted by the unexpected and illuminating phenomenon; I wondered how to explain such an observation。 Two plausible hypotheses were formed in my mind: Cl2 is a strong and ordinary oxidizing agent; the product S; which is the blackyellow precipitate; may have been oxidized by sufficient Cl2 to bee SO23 (hypothesis 1) or SO24 (hypothesis 2); which are all soluble ions。 Hypothesis 1 may be possible had it not for one factor: BaCl2 solution is poured into the mixture and white precipitate not soluble in nitric acid is formed。 Thus that proves that hypothesis 2 is true。 Then a problem is resolved; I managed to work out the problem of why the yellow precipitate disappeares through my own effort。
By observing the odd phenomenon and trying to account for it at last with consultation of teachers or books; I felt a sense of achievement which filled me with enthusiasm and eagerness to explore the engaging world of Chemistry。
Life as a deputy mini…
Sunday; November 04; 2007
Since I became a member of the study department in the student Union; I have done many concrete things with my colleagues such as painting posters; designing questionnaires。 We took delight in cooperating to do our tasks better。
Our beloved minister; Jessica; was about to have her farm study (which means living in farmers’ house for 1 week; to help with farmers and apply what are learnt from books to practice and carry out research。 And it is a tradition of our school which last for roughly 20 years。); so it was important to choose someone among us to take her position temporarily to ensure that everything went smoothly。
Thus Jessica began a small election campaign today and all of us had prepared to run for the position。 Each candidate gave a concise speech within 2 minutes to convince others of his ability。
After Jessica had read all the votes handed in; she announced: “Two of you; Juliet and Mary; who have got the same votes; are about to be the deputy minister when I am in the countryside。” Therefore; I rose to power as the deputy minister。
It had never occurred to me that a minister has that much to deal with only when I was in the position。 For instance; there was a meeting held by the study department for students to get access to the administrators of the school so that proposal can be put forward or problems can be reflected in time。 The supervisor of the Students Union made demands on our department of a report containing students’ suggestions and questions together with the leaders’ responses。 Thus recording scripts of the meeting (I had also taken part in recording) and tasks must be distributed to every member。
After a negotiation with Mary; the other deputy minister; we arrived at a consensus that she was responsible for distribution while I should receive emails of their drafts and make them into a final formal version; which must be handed in before Sunday evening。
Today; the result of things accords closely with my prediction。 Though they were seemingly enthusiastic to accept their task the day before yesterday on which the election was held; two text messages plaining how much trouble they had to touch the puter or how slow it was for them to input articles on puter appeared on my mobile phone。 Though such attitudes annoyed me; I only suggested them
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