and then mouschi; who by that time had finished peeing; took off downstairs。 in search of something similar to her box; mouschi had found herself a pile of wood shavings; right over a crack in the floor。 the puddle immediately trickled down to the attic and; as luck would have it; landed in and next to the potato barrel。 the cethng was dripping; and since the attic floor has also got its share of cracks; little yellow drops were leaking through the ceiling and onto the dining table; between a pile of stockings and books。
i was doubled up with laughter; it was such a funny sight。 there was mouschi crouched under a chair; peter armed with water; powdered bleach and a cloth; and mr。
van daan trying to calm everyone down。 the room was soon set to rights; but its a well…known fact that cat puddles stink to high heaven。 the potatoes proved that all too well; as did the wood shavings; which father collected in a bucket and brought downstairs to burn。
poor mouschi! how were you to know its impossible to get peat for your box?
anne thursday; may 11; 1944
dearest kitty;
a new sketch to make you laugh:
peters hair had to be cut; and as usual his mother was to be the hairdresser。 at seven twenty…five peter vanished into his room; and reappeared at the stroke of seven…thirty; stripped down to his blue swimming trunks and a pair of tennis shoes。
〃are you ing?〃 he asked his mother。
〃yes; ill be up in a minute; but i cant find the scissors!”
peter helped her look; rummaging around in her cosmetics drawer。 〃dont make such a mess; peter;〃 she grumbled。
i didnt catch peters reply; but it must have been insolent; because she cuffed him on the arm。 he cuffed her back; she punched him with all her might; and peter pulled his arm away with a look of mock horror on his face。 〃e on; old girl!〃
mrs。 van d。 stayed put。 peter grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her all around the room。 she laughed; cried; scolded and kicked; but nothing helped。 peter led his prisoner as far as the attic stairs; where he was obliged to let go of her。 mrs。 van d。
came back to the room and collapsed into a chair with a loud sigh。
〃die enifu〃hruna der mutter;〃。 i joked。 ' the abduction of mother; a possible reference to mozarts opera the abduction from the seraglio。' 〃yes; but he hurt me。”
i went to have a look and cooled her hot; red wrists with water。 peter; still by the stairs and growing impa… tient again; strode into the room with his belt in his hand; like a lion tamer。 mrs。 van d。 didnt move; but stayed by her writing desk; looking for a handkerchief。 〃youve got to apologize first。”
〃all right; i hereby offer my apologies; but only because if i dont; well be here till midnight。”
mrs。 van d。 had to laugh in spite of herself。 she got up and went toward the door; where she felt obliged to give us an explanation。 (by us i mean father; mother and me; we were busy doing the dishes。) 〃he wasnt like this at home;〃 she said。 〃id have belted him so hard hed have gone flying down the stairs '!'。 hes never been so insolent。 this isnt the first time hes deserved a good hiding。 thats what you get with a modern upbringing; modern children。 id never have grabbed my mother like that。 did you treat your mother that way; mr。 frank?〃 she was very upset; pacing back and forth; saying whatever came into her head; and she still hadnt gone upstairs。
finally; at long last; she made her exit。
less than five minutes later she stormed back down the stairs; with her cheeks all puffed out; and flung her apron on a chair。 when i asked if she was through; she replied that she was going downstairs。 she tore down the stairs like a tornado; probably straight into the arms of her putti。
she didnt e up again until eight; this time with her husband。 peter was dragged from the attic; given a merciless scolding and showered with abuse: ill…mannered brat; no…good bum; bad example; anne this; margot that; i couldnt hear the rest。
everything seems to have calmed down again today!
yours; anne
m。 frank
p。s。 tuesday and wednesday evening our beloved queen addressed the country。 shes taking a vacation so shell be in good health for her return to the netherlands。
she used words like 〃soon; when im back in holland;〃 〃a swift liberation;〃 〃heroism”
and 〃heavy burdens。”
this was followed by a speech by prime minister gerbrandy。 he has such a squeaky little childs voice that mother instinctively said; 〃oooh。〃 a clergyman; who must have borrowed his voice from mr。 edel; concluded by asking god to take care of the jews; all those in concentration camps and prisons and everyone working in germany。
thursday; may 11; 1944
dearest kitty;
since ive left my entire 〃junk box〃 …… including my fountain pen …… upstairs and im not allowed to disturb the grown…ups during their nap time (until two…thirty); youll have to make do with a letter in pencil。
im terribly busy at the moment; and strange as it may sound; i dont have enough time to get through my pile of work。 shall i tell you briefly what ive got to do? well then; before tomorrow i have to finish reading the first volume of a biography of galileo galilei; since it has to be returned to the library。 i started reading it yesterday and have gotten up to page 220 out of 320 pages; so ill manage it。 next week i have to read palestine at the cross… roads and the second volume of galilei。 besides that; i finished the first volume of a biography of emperor charles v yesterday; and i still have to work out the many genealogical charts ive collected and the notes ive taken。
next i have three pages of foreign words from my various books; all of which have to be written down; memorized and read aloud。 number four: my movie stars are in a terrible disarray and are dying to be straightened out; but since itll take several days to do that and professor anne is; as shes already said; up to her ears in work; theyll have to put up with the chaos a while longer。 then therere theseus; oedipus; peleus; orpheus; jason and hercules all waiting to be untangled; since their various deeds are running crisscross through my mind like mul… ticolored threads in a dress。 myron and phidias are also urgent
- 金妮的日记
- 手机访问 m╮欢迎光临︱田︱田田╬版 权 归 原 作 者【布受天下】整理附】内容版权归作者所有=书名:金妮的日记作者:任方圆文案金妮x日记本形式是两人聊天记录,只有第二人称对话。内容标签:HP 灵魂转换 穿书搜索关键字:主角:金妮,日记本 配角:哈利波特,各种魂器 其它、第一篇日记“我没有想到你也会
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- 安妮塔
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- 红头发安妮
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