loins girt with a copper belt that was studded with seven beryls。
and i said to the priest; 〃is this the god?〃 and he answered me;
〃this is the god。〃
〃show me the god;〃 i cried; 〃or i will surely slay thee。〃 and i
touched his hand; and it became withered。
and the priest besought me; saying; 〃let my lord heal his servant;
and i will show him the god。〃
so i breathed with my breath upon his hand; and it became whole
again; and he trembled and led me into the second chamber; and i
saw an idol standing on a lotus of jade hung with great emeralds。
it was carved out of ivory; and in stature was twice the stature of
a man。 on its forehead was a chrysolite; and its breasts were
smeared with myrrh and cinnamon。 in one hand it held a crooked
sceptre of jade; and in the other a round crystal。 it ware buskins
of brass; and its thick neck was circled with a circle of
and i said to the priest; 〃is this the god?〃
and he answered me; 〃this is the god。〃
〃show me the god;〃 i cried; 〃or i will surely slay thee。〃 and i
touched his eyes; and they became blind。
and the priest besought me; saying; 〃let my lord heal his servant;
and i will show him the god。〃
so i breathed with my breath upon his eyes; and the sight came
back to them; and he trembled again; and led me into the third
chamber; and lo! there was no idol in it; nor image of any kind;
but only a mirror of round metal set on an altar of stone。
and i said to the priest; 〃where is the god?〃
and he answered me: 〃there is no god but this mirror that thou
seest; for this is the mirror of wisdom。 and it reflecteth all
things that are in heaven and on earth; save only the face of him
who looketh into it。 this it reflecteth not; so that he who
looketh into it may be wise。 many other mirrors are there; but
they are mirrors of opinion。 this only is the mirror of wisdom。
and they who possess this mirror know everything; nor is there
anything hidden from them。 and they who possess it not have not
wisdom。 therefore is it the god; and we worship it。〃 and i looked
into the mirror; and it was even as he had said to me。
and i did a strange thing; but what i did matters not; for in a
valley that is but a days journey from this place have i hidden
the mirror of wisdom。 do but suffer me to enter into thee again
and be thy servant; and thou shalt be wiser than all the wise men;
and wisdom shall be thine。 suffer me to enter into thee; and none
will be as wise as thou。
but the young fisherman laughed。 love is better than wisdom; he
cried; and the little mermaid loves me。
nay; but there is nothing better than wisdom; said the soul。
love is better; answered the young fisherman; and he plunged into
the deep; and the soul went weeping away over the marshes。
and after the second year was over; the soul came down to the shore
of the sea; and called to the young fisherman; and he rose out of
the deep and said; why dost thou call to me?
and the soul answered; e nearer; that i may speak with thee;
for i have seen marvellous things。
so he came nearer; and couched in the shallow water; and leaned his
head upon his hand and listened。
and the soul said to him; when i left thee; i turned my face to
the south and journeyed。 from the south eth everything that is
precious。 six days i journeyed along the highways that lead to the
city of ashter; along the dusty red…dyed highways by which the
pilgrims are wont to go did i journey; and on the morning of the
seventh day i lifted up my eyes; and lo! the city lay at my feet;
for it is in a valley。
there are nine gates to this city; and in front of each gate
stands a bronze horse that neighs when the bedouins e down from
the mountains。 the walls are cased with copper; and the watch…
towers on the walls are roofed with brass。 in every tower stands
an archer with a bow in his hand。 at sunrise he strikes with an
arrow on a gong; and at sunset he blows through a horn of horn。
when i sought to enter; the guards stopped me and asked of me who
i was。 i made answer that i was a dervish and on my way to the
city of mecca; where there was a green veil on which the koran was
embroidered in silver letters by the hands of the angels。 they
were filled with wonder; and entreated me to pass in。
inside it is even as a bazaar。 surely thou shouldst have been
with me。 across the narrow streets the gay lanterns of paper
flutter like large butterflies。 when the wind blows over the roofs
they rise and fall as painted bubbles do。 in front of their booths
sit the merchants on silken carpets。 they have straight black
beards; and their turbans are covered with golden sequins; and long
strings of amber and carved peach…stones glide through their cool
fingers。 some of them sell galbanum and nard; and curious perfumes
from the islands of the indian sea; and the thick oil of red roses;
and myrrh and little nail…shaped cloves。 when one stops to speak
to them; they throw pinches of frankincense upon a charcoal brazier
and make the air sweet。 i saw a syrian who held in his hands a
thin rod like a reed。 grey threads of smoke came from it; and its
odour as it burned was as the odour of the pink almond in spring。
others sell silver bracelets embossed all over with creamy blue
turquoise stones; and anklets of brass wire fringed with little
pearls; and tigers claws set in gold; and the claws of that gilt
cat; the leopard; set in gold also; and earrings of pierced
emerald; and finger…rings of hollowed jade。 from the tea…houses
es the sound of the guitar; and the opium…smokers with their
white smiling faces look out at the passers…by。
of a truth thou shouldst have been with me。 the wine…sellers
elbow their way through the crowd with great black skins on their
shoulders。 most of them sell the wine of schiraz; which is as
sweet as honey。 they serve it in little metal cups and strew rose
leaves upon it。 in the market…place stand the fruitsellers; who
sell all kinds of fruit: ripe figs; wi
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