yellow rose of texas〃 an 〃i dream of jeannie with the light brown hair。〃 ape is lyin there
lookin at me; peaceful as a baby。 i forget there is a tv camera in the spaceship an they is pickin all
this up down there at groun control。 nex mornin when i wake up somebody hole up a newspaper
in front of the camera down in houston for us to see。 the headline say; 〃idiot plays space music
to soothe ape。〃 that is the sort of shit i has got to contend with。
anyhow; things are goin along pretty good; but i been noticin that ole sue is lookin at major
fritch in a kind of strange way。 ever time she get near him; sue sort of perk up an be reachin out
like he wants to grap her or somethin; an she start bitchin at him— 〃git away from me you awful
thing。 keep your hans to yoursef!〃 but ole sue has got somethin in mind。 that much i can tell。
it ain';t long before i find out what it is。 i have gone behin this little partition to take a pee in
a jar in private; when all of a sudden i hear this motion。 i stick my head aroun the partition an
sue has managed to grap a holt of major fritch an he has got his han down in her space suit。 she
is yellin an hollerin to beat the band an is crackin sue over the head with the radio microphone。
then it dawns on me what the problem is。 wile we has been up in space for nearly two days;
ole sue been strapped into his seat an ain';t had a chance to take a leak or nothin! an i sure
remember what that';s like。 he must be bout to bust! anyhow; i go over an got him away from
major fritch an she still hollerin an yellin; callin him a 〃filthy animal;〃 an shit like that。 when she
get loose; major fritch go up to the front of the cockpit an put her head down an start sobbin。 i
unstrap sue an take him behin the partition with me。
i find a empty bottle for him to pee in; but after he finished; he take the bottle an heave it
into a panel of colored lights an it bust to pieces an all the pee start floatin aroun in the spaceship。
i say; to hell with this; an start leadin sue back to his seat when i seen a big glob of pee headin
straight for major fritch。 it look like it gonna hit her in the back of the head; so i turn sue loose
an try to head off the pee with a net they have give us for catchin stuff that';s floatin aroun。 but jus
as i am bout to net the glob of pee; major fritch sit back up an turn aroun an it caught her right in
the face。
she start hollerin an bawlin again an in the meantime; sue has done gone an started rippin
out wires from the control panel。 major fritch is screamin; 〃stop him! stop him!〃 but before you
know it; sparks an stuff is flyin all aroun inside the spaceship an sue is jumpin from ceilin to floor
tearin shit up。 a voice e over the radio wantin to know 〃what in hell is goin on up there?〃 but
by then it is too late。
the spaceship is weavin all aroun an goin end over end an me; sue an major fritch is tossed
aroun like corks。 can';t grap holt of nothin; can';t turn off nothin; can';t stan up or set down。 the
voice of groun control e over the radio again; say; 〃we is noticin some kine of minor
stabilization trouble with your craft。 forrest; will you manually insert the d…six program into the
starboard puter?〃
shit— he got to be jokin! i';m spinnin aroun like a top an i got a wild ape loose in here to
boot! major fritch is hollerin so loud i cannot hear or even think nothin; but the gist of what she
is hollerin seem to be that we is bout to crash an burn。 i managed to get a glance out of the
winder; an in fact things don';t look good。 that earth in up on us mighty fast。
somehow i managed to get to where the starboard puter is; an hold on to the panel with
one han an i';m puttin d…six into the machine。 it is a program designed to land the spaceship
in the indian ocean in case we get in trouble; which we certainly is now。
major fritch an ole sue be holdin on for dear life; but major fritch holler out; 〃what is you
doin over there?〃 when i tole her; she say; 〃forgit that; you stupid turd— we is already done
passed over the indian ocean。 wait till we go roun again an see if you can set us down in the
south pacific。〃
believe it or not; it don';t take much time to go roun the world when you is in a spaceship; an
major fritch has grapped holt to the radio microphone an is hollerin at them people at groun
control that we is headed for either a splash…down or crash…down in the south pacific ocean an to
e get us as soon as they can。 i';m punchin buttons like crazy an that big ole earth is loomin
closer。 we fly over somethin major fritch thinks look like south america an then there be only
water again; with the south pole off to our left an australia up ahead。
then everthing get scorchin hot; an funny little souns are in from the outside of the
spaceship an it start shakin an hissin an the earth is dead up ahead。 major fritch shout to me;
〃pull the parachute lever!〃 but i am pinned in my seat。 an she is pressed up against the ceilin of
the cabin; an so it look like it';s curtains for us; since we is goin bout ten thousan miles a hour; an
headed straight for a big ole green blob of land in the ocean。 we hit that goin this fast; ain';t even
gonna be a grease spot lef。
but then all of a sudden somethin go 〃pop〃 an the spaceship slow down。 i look over; an
damn if ole sue ain';t pulled the parachute lever hissef an saved our asses。 i remind mysef then an
there to feed him a banana when all this shit is over。
anyhow; the spaceship be swingin back an forth under the parachute; an it look like we is
gonna hit the big ole green blob of land— which apparently ain';t so good neither; since we is
sposed only to hit water an then ships will pick us up。 but ain';t nothin gone right from the time
we set foot in this contraption; so why should anybody expect it to now?
major fritch is on the radio an sayin to groun control; 〃we is bout to land on someplace
north of australia out in the ocean; but i ain';t s
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