north of australia out in the ocean; but i ain';t sure where we is。〃
couple of seconts later a voice e back say; 〃if you ain';t sure where you is; why don';t you
look out the winder; you dumb broad?〃
so major fritch put the radio down an go look out the winder an she say; 〃jesus— this look
like borneo or someplace;〃 but when she try to tell that to groun control; the radio done gone
we be gettin real close to the earth now; an the spaceship still swinging under the parachute。
there is nothin but jungle an mountains beneath us cept for a little bitty lake that is kind of
brown。 we can barely make out somethin going on nex to the lake down there。 the three of us—
me; sue an major fritch— all got our noses pressed to the winder lookin down; an all of a sudden
major fritch cry out; 〃good god! this ain';t borneo— this is fuckin new guinea; an all that shit
on the groun must be one of them cargo cults or somethin!〃
sue an me lookin down hard; an there on the groun nex to the lake; lookin back at us; is
about a thousan natives; all with they arms raised up towards us。 they is wearin little grass skirts
an has their hair all flayed out; an some is carryin sh
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- :附【本作品来自互联网,本人不做任何负责】内容版权归作者所有|欢迎大家起点榜推VIP2014-08-09完结2014-03-02登上了起点女生网青云榜简介:火葬场年轻女工丁萱被劈腿男友抛弃,还没等她缓过气来,末世来临了《山海经》中所记载的怪兽大规模地出现,以人类为食,它们带来了可怕的天灾:洪水、大旱
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