ime to look at a species of ape that trulydid。
just before christmas 1887; a young dutch doctor with an un…dutch name; marieeugène fran?ois thomas dubois; arrived in sumatra; in the dutch east indies; with theintention of finding the earliest human remains on earth。
1several things were extraordinary about this。 to begin with; no one had ever gone lookingfor ancient human bones before。 everything that had been found to this point had been foundaccidentally; and nothing in dubois’s background suggested that he was the ideal candidate tomake the process intentional。 he was an anatomist by training with no background inpaleontology。 nor was there any special reason to suppose that the east indies would holdearly human remains。 logic dictated that if ancient people were to be found at all; it would beon a large and long…populated landmass; not in the parative fastness of an archipelago。
dubois was driven to the east indies on nothing stronger than a hunch; the availability ofemployment; and the knowledge that sumatra was full of caves; the environment in whichmost of the important hominid fossils had so far been found。 what is most extraordinary in allthis—nearly miraculous; really—is that he found what he was looking for。
at the time dubois conceived his plan to search for a missing link; the human fossil recordconsisted of very little: five inplete neandertal skeletons; one partial jawbone of uncertainprovenance; and a half…dozen ice…age humans recently found by railway workers in a cave at acliff called cro…magnon near les eyzies; france。 of the neandertal specimens; the bestpreserved was sitting unremarked on a shelf in london。 it had been found by workers blastingrock from a quarry in gibraltar in 1848; so its preservation was a wonder; but unfortunatelyno one yet appreciated what it was。 after being briefly described at a meeting of the gibraltarscientific society; it had been sent to the hunterian museum in london; where it remainedundisturbed but for an occasional light dusting for over half a century。 the first formaldescription of it wasn’t written until 1907; and then by a geologist named william sollas“with only a passing petency in anatomy。”
so instead the name and credit for the discovery of the first early humans went to theneander valley in germany—not unfittingly; as it happens; for by uncanny coincidenceneander in greek means “new man。” there in 1856 workmen at another quarry; in a cliff faceoverlooking the düssel river; found some curious…looking bones; which they passed to alocal schoolteacher; knowing he had an interest in all things natural。 to his great credit theteacher; johann karl fuhlrott; saw that he had some new type of human; though quite what itwas; and how special; would be matters of dispute for some time。
many people refused to accept that the neandertal bones were ancient at all。 august mayer;a professor at the university of bonn and a man of influence; insisted that the bones were1though dutch; dubois was from eijsden; a town bordering the french…speaking part of belgium。
merely those of a mongolian cossack soldier who had been wounded while fighting ingermany in 1814 and had crawled into the cave to die。 hearing of this; t。 h。 huxley inengland drily observed how remarkable it was that the soldier; though mortally wounded; hadclimbed sixty feet up a cliff; divested himself of his clothing and personal effects; sealed thecave opening; and buried himself under two feet of soil。 another anthropologist; puzzlingover the neandertal’s heavy brow ridge; suggested that it was the result of long…term frowningarising from a poorly healed forearm fracture。 (in their eagerness to reject the idea of earlierhumans; authorities were often willing to embrace the most singular possibilities。 at about thetime that dubois was setting out for sumatra; a skeleton found in périgueux was confidentlydeclared to be that of an eskimo。 quite what an ancient eskimo was doing in southwestfrance was never fortably explained。 it was actually an early cro…magnon。)it was against this background that dubois began his search for ancient human bones。 hedid no digging himself; but instead used fifty convicts lent by the dutch authorities。 for a yearthey worked on sumatra; then transferred to java。 and there in 1891; dubois—or rather histeam; for dubois himself seldom visited the sites—found a section of ancient human craniumnow known as the trinil skullcap。 though only part of a skull; it showed that the owner hadhad distinctly nonhuman features but a much larger brain than any ape。 dubois called itanthropithecus erectus (later changed for technical reasons to pithecanthropus erectus) anddeclared it the missing link between apes and humans。 it quickly became popularized as “javaman。” today we know it as homo erectus。
the next year dubois’s workers found a virtually plete thighbone that lookedsurprisingly modern。 in fact; many anthropologists think itis modern; and has nothing to dowith java man。 if it is an erectus bone; it is unlike any other found since。 nonetheless duboisused the thighbone to deduce—correctly; as it turned out—that pithecanthropus walkedupright。 he also produced; with nothing but a scrap of cranium and one tooth; a model of theplete skull; which also proved uncannily accurate。
in 1895; dubois returned to europe; expecting a triumphal reception。 in fact; he met nearlythe opposite reaction。 most scientists disliked both his conclusions and the arrogant manner inwhich he presented them。 the skullcap; they said; was that of an ape; probably a gibbon; andnot of any early human。 hoping to bolster his case; in 1897 dubois allowed a respectedanatomist from the university of strasbourg; gustav schwalbe; to make a cast of the skullcap。
to dubois’s dismay; schwalbe thereupon produced a monograph that received far moresympathetic attention than anything dubois had written and followed with a lecture tour inwhich he was celebrated nearly as warmly as if he had dug up the skull himself。 appalled andembittered; dubois withdrew into an undistinguished position as a professor of geology at theuniversity of amsterdam and for the next
- 哲学史-philosophy of history(英文版)
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