prehension of History。
§ 97
Spirit is essentially the result of its own activity; its activity is the transcending of immediate; simple;
unreflected existence; — the negation of that existence; and the returning into itself。 We may
pare it with the seed; for with this the plant begins; yet it is also the result of the plant"s entire
life。 But the weak side of life is exhibited in the fact that the mencement and the result are
disjoined from each other。 Thus also is it in the life of individuals and peoples。 The life of a people
ripens a certain fruit; its activity aims at the plete manifestation of the principle which it
embodies。 But this fruit does not fall back into the bosom of the people that produced and
matured it; on the contrary; it bees a poison…draught to it。 That poison…draught it cannot let
alone; for it has an insatiable thirst for it: the taste of the draught is its annihilation。; though at the
same time the rise of a new principle。
§ 98
We have already discussed the final aim of progression。 The principles of the successive phases of
Spirit that animate the Nations in a necessitated gradation; are themselves only steps in the
development of the one universal Spirit; which through them elevates and pletes itself to a
self…prehending totality。
§ 99
While we are thus concerned exclusively with the Idea of Spirit; and in the History of the World
regard everything as only its manifestation; we have; in traversing the past; — however extensive its
periods; — only to do with what is present; for philosophy; as occupying itself with the True; has
to do with the eternally present。 Nothing in the past is lost for it; for the Idea is ever present;
Spirit is immortal; with it there is no past; no future; but an essential now。 This necessarily implies
that the present form of Spirit prehends within it all earlier steps。 These have indeed unfolded
themselves in succession independently; but what Spirit is it has always been essentially;
distinctions are only the development of this essential nature。 The life of the ever present Spirit is a
circle of progressive embodiments; which looked at in one respect still exist beside each other;
and only as looked at from another point of view appear as past。 The grades which Spirit seems
to have left behind it; it still possesses in the depths of its present。
The End
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