nd countless doubts assailed poussins heart when he saw youth dawn in the old mans eyes; as; like a painter; he discerned every line of the form hidden beneath the young girls vesture。 then the lovers savage jealousy awoke。
〃gillette!〃 he cried; 〃let us go。〃
the girl turned joyously at the cry and the tone in which it was uttered; raised her eyes to his; looked at him; and fled to his arms。
〃ah! then you love me;〃 she cried; 〃you love me!〃 and she burst into tears。
she had spirit enough to suffer in silence; but she had no strength to hide her joy。
〃oh! leave her with me for one moment;〃 said the old painter; 〃and you shall pare her with my catherine。。。 yes……i consent。〃
frenhofers words likewise came from him like a lovers cry。 his vanity seemed to be engaged for his semblance of womanhood; he anticipated the triumph of the beauty of his own creation over the beauty of the living girl。
〃do not give him time to change his mind!〃 cried porbus; striking poussin on the shoulder。 〃the flower of love soon fades; but the flower of art is immortal。〃
〃then am i only a woman now for him?〃 said gillette。 she was watching poussin and porbus closely。
she raised her head proudly; she glanced at frenhofer; and her eyes flashed; then as she saw how her lover had fallen again to gazing at the portrait which he had taken at first for a giorgione……
〃ah!〃 she cried; 〃let us go up to the studio。 he never gave me such a look。〃
the sound of her voice recalled poussin from his dreams。
〃old man;〃 he said; 〃do you see this blade? i will plunge it into your heart at the first cry from this young girl; i will set fire to your house; and no one shall leave it alive。 do you understand?〃
nicolas poussin scowled; every word was a menace。 gillette took fort from the young painters bearing; and yet more from that gesture; and almost forgave him for sacrificing her to his art and his glorious future。
porbus and poussin stood at the door of the studio and looked at each other in silence。 at first the painter of the saint mary of egypt hazarded some exclamations: 〃ah! she has taken off her clothes; he told her to e into the light……he is paring the two!〃 but the sight of the deep distress in poussins face suddenly silenced him; and though old painters no longer feel these scruples; so petty in the presence of art; he admired them because they were so natural and gracious in the lover。 the young man kept his hand on the hilt of his dagger; and his ear was almost glued to the door。 the two men standing in the shadow might have been conspirators waiting for the hour when they might strike down a tyrant。
〃e in; e in;〃 cried the old man。 he was radiant with delight。 〃my work is perfect。 i can show her now with pride。 never shall painter; brushes; colors; light; and canvas produce a rival for catherine lescault; the beautiful courtezan!〃
porbus and poussin; burning with eager curiosity; hurried into a vast studio。 everything was in disorder and covered with dust; but they saw a few pictures here and there upon the wall。 they stopped first of all in admiration before the life…size figure of a woman partially draped。
〃oh! never mind that;〃 said frenhofer; 〃that is a rough daub that i made; a study; a pose; it is nothing。 these are my failures;〃 he went on; indicating the enchanting positions upon the walls of the studio。
this scorn for such works of art struck porbus and poussin dumb with amazement。 they looked round for the picture of which he had spoken; and could not discover it。
〃look here!〃 said the old man。 his hair was disordered; his face aglow with a more than human exaltation; his eyes glittered; he breathed hard like a young lover frenzied by love。
〃aha!〃 he cried; 〃you did not expect to see such perfection! you are looking for a picture; and you see a woman before you。 there is such depth in that canvas; the atmosphere is so true that you can not distinguish it from the air that surrounds us。 where is art? art has vanished; it is invisible! it is the form of a living girl that you see before you。 have i not caught the very hues of life; the spirit of the living line that defines the figure? is there not the effect produced there like that which all natural objects present in the atmosphere about them; or fishes in the water? do you see how the figure stands out against the background? does it not seem to you that you pass your hand along the back? but then for seven years i studied and watched how the daylight blends with the objects on which it falls。 and the hair; the light pours over it like a flood; does it not?。。。 ah! she breathed; i am sure that she breathed! her breast……ah; see! who would not fall on his knees before her? her pulses throb。 she will rise to her feet。 wait!〃
〃do you see anything?〃 poussin asked of porbus。
〃no。。。 do you?〃
〃i see nothing。〃
the two painters left the old man to his ecstasy; and tried to ascertain whether the light that fell full upon the canvas had in some way neutralized all the effect for them。 they moved to the right and left of the picture; they came in front; bending down and standing upright by turns。
〃yes; yes; it is really canvas;〃 said frenhofer; who mistook the nature of this minute investigation。
〃look! the canvas is on a stretcher; here is the easel; indeed; here are my colors; my brushes;〃 and he took up a brush and held it out to them; all unsuspicious of their thought。
〃the old _lansquenet_ is laughing at us;〃 said poussin; ing once more toward the supposed picture。 〃i can see nothing there but confused masses of color and a multitude of fantastical lines that go to make a dead wall of paint。〃
〃we are mistaken; look!〃 said porbus。
in a corner of the canvas; as they came nearer; they distinguished a bare foot emerging from the chaos of color; half…tints and vague shadows that made up a dim; formless fog。 its living delicate beauty held them spellbound。 this fragment that had escaped an inprehensible; slow; and gradual destruction seemed to them like the parian marble torso of some venus emerging from the ashes of a ruined town。
〃there is a woman beneath;〃 exclaimed porbus; calling poussins attention to the coats of paint wi
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