ently。 I wanted to be sure that Ben was clear on this。 Angela s shy。 If B well; if a guy doesn t have the nerve to ask her out; she d never ask him。 You like shy girls; Emmett said; back to improvisation。 like hmm; I don t know。 Maybe Bella Swan? I grinned at him。 Exactly。 Quiet girls。 Girls Then I returned to the performance。 Maybe Angela
will get tired of waiting。 Maybe I ll ask her to the prom。 No; you won t; Ben thought; straightening up in his chair。 So what if she s so much taller than me? If she doesn t care; then neither do I。 She s the nicest; smartest; prettiest girl in this school and she wants me。 I liked this Ben。 like Angela。 He seemed bright and wellmeaning。 Maybe even worthy of a girl I gave Emmett a thumbs up under the desk as Mrs。 Goff stood and greeted the class。 Okay; I ll admit it that was sort of fun; Emmett thought。 I smiled to myself; pleased that I d been able to shape one love story s happy ending。 I was positive that Ben would follow through; and Angela would receive my anonymous gift。 My debt was repaid。 How silly humans were; to let a six inch height differential confound their happiness。 My success put me in a good mood。 I smiled again as I settled into my chair and prepared to be entertained。 After all; as Bella had pointed out at lunch; I d never seen her in action in her gym class before。 Mike s thoughts were the easiest to pinpoint in the babble of voices that swarmed through the gym。 His mind had gotten far too familiar over the last few weeks。 With a sigh; I resigned myself to listening through him。 At least I could be sure that he would be paying attention to Bella。 I was just in time to hear him offer to be her badminton partner; as he made the suggestion; other partnerings ran through his mind。 My smile faded; my teeth clenched together; and I had to remind myself that murdering Mike Newton was not a permissible option。 Thanks; Mike you don t have to do this; you know。 Don t worry; I ll keep out of your way。 They grinned at each other; and flashes of numerous accidents always in some way connected to Bella flashed through Mike s head。 Mike played alone at first; while Bella hesitated on the back half of the court; holding her racket gingerly; as if it was some kind of weapon。 Then Coach Clapp ambled by and ordered Mike to let Bella play。 Uh oh; Mike thought as Bella moved forward with a sigh; holding her racquet at an awkward angle。 Jennifer Ford served the birdie directly toward Bella with a smug twist to her thoughts。 Mike saw Bella lurch toward it; swinging the racket yards wide of her target; and he rushed in to try to save the volley。 I watched the trajectory of Bella s racquet with alarm。 Sure enough; it hit the taut and sprung back at her; clipping her forehead before it spun out to strike Mike s arm with a resounding thwack。 Ow。 Ow。 Ungh。 That s going to leave a bruise。
Bella was kneading her forehead。 It was hard to stay in my seat where I belonged; knowing she was hurt。 But what could I do; if I were there? And it didn t seem to be serious I hesitated; watching。 If she intended to continue to try to play; I was going to have to manufacture an excuse to pull her out of class。 The coach laughed。 Sorry; Newton。 Shouldn t inflict her on the others That girl s the worst jinx I ve ever seen。 He turned his back deliberately and moved to watch another game so that Bella could return to her former spectator s role。 Ow; Mike thought again; massaging his arm。 He turned to Bella。 Are you okay? Yeah; are you? she asked sheepishly; blushing。 I think I ll make it。 hurts! Don t want to sound like a crybaby。 But; man; that Mike swung his arm in a circle; wincing。 I ll just stay back here; Bella said; embarrassment and chagrin on her face rather than pain。 Maybe Mike had got the worst of it。 I certainly hoped that was the case。 At least she wasn t playing anymore。 She held her racquet so carefully behind her back; her eyes wide with remorse I had to disguise my laugh as coughing。 What s funny? Emmett wanted to know。 Tell you later; I muttered。 Bella didn t venture into the game again。 alone。 The coach ignored her and let Mike play I breezed through the quiz at the end of the hour; and Mrs。 Goff let me go early。 I was listening intently to Mike as I walked across the campus。 He d decided to confront Bella about me。 Jessica swears they re dating。 Why? Why did he have to pick her? He didn t recognize the real phenomenon that she d picked me。 So。 So what? she wondered。 You and Cullen; huh? important to you。。。 You and the freak。 I guess; if a rich guy is that I gritted my teeth at his degrading assumption。 That s none of your business; Mike。 Defensive。 So it s true。 Crap。 I don t like it。 You don t have to; she snapped。 Why can t she see what a circus sideshow he is? Like they all are。 The way he
stares at her。 It gives me chills to watch。 something to eat。 I cringed; waiting for her response。 He looks at you like like you re Her face turned bright red; and her lips pressed together like she was holding her breath。 Then; suddenly; a giggle burst through her lips。 Now she s laughing at me。 Great。 Mike turned; thoughts sullen; and wandered off to change。 I leaned against the gym wall and tried to pose myself。 How could she have laughed at Mike s accusation so entirely on target that I began to worry that Forks was being too aware Why would she laugh at the suggestion that I could kill her; when she knew that it was entirely true? Where was the humor in that? What was wrong with her? Did she have morbid sense of humor? That didn t fit with my idea of her character; but how could I be sure? Or maybe my daydream of the giddy angel was true in the one respect; in that she had no sense of fear at all。 Brave that was one word for it。 Others might say stupid; but I knew how bright she was。 No matter what the reason; though; this lack of fear or twisted sense of humor wasn t good for her。 Was it this strange lack that put her in danger so constantly? Maybe she would always need me here Just like that; my mood was soaring。 If I could just discipline myself; make myself safe; then perhaps it would be right for me to stay with her。 When she walked through the gym doors; her shoulders were stiff and he
- 暮光之城5-午夜陽光
- 《暮光之城5-午夜阳光》作者:斯蒂芬妮·梅尔这个是网上网友自己翻译的【自译版,被官方翻译,喜欢的亲,先拿去看看吧《午夜阳光》是“暮光之城”系列的第五本,梅尔的原计划是从吸血鬼爱德华的角度,讲述第一部《暮色》之中的故事。梅尔表示,她对于手稿外泄感到“非常难过,并做出了停止创作的决定。她还表示,她将专注
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