ight for me to stay with her。 When she walked through the gym doors; her shoulders were stiff and her lower lip was between her teeth again a sign of anxiety。 But as soon as her eyes met mine; her rigid shoulders relaxed and a wide smile spread across her face。 It was an oddly peaceful expression。 She walked right to my side without hesitation; only stopping when she was so close that her body heat crashed over me like a tidal wave。 Hi; she whispered。 The happiness I felt in this moment was; again; without precedent。 Hello; I said; and then because with my mood suddenly so light I couldn t resist teasing her I added; How was gym? Her smile wavered。 Fine。 She was a poor liar。 Really? I asked; about to press the issue I was still concerned about her head; was she in pain? but then Mike Newton s thoughts we so loud they broke my concentration。 I hate him。 I wish he would die。 I hope he drives that shiny car right off a cliff。 Why couldn t he just leave her alone? Stick to his own kind to the freaks。
What? Bella demanded。 My eyes refocused on her face。 me again。 She looked at Mike s retreating back; and then at Newton s getting on my nerves; I admitted。 Her mouth fell open; and her smile disappeared。 She must have forgotten that I d had the power to watch through her calamitous last hour; or hoped that I hadn t utilized it。 You weren t listening again? How s your head? You re unbelievable! she said through her teeth; and then she turned away from me and stalked furiously toward the parking lot。 Her skin flushed dark red she was embarrassed。 I kept pace with her; hoping that her anger would pass soon。 quick to forgive me。 She was usually It You were the one who mentioned how I d never seen you in Gym; I explained。 made me curious。 She didn t answer; her eyebrows pulled together。 She came to a sudden halt in the parking lot when she realized that the way to my car was blocked by a crowd of male students。 I wonder how fast they ve gone in this thing Look at the SMG shift paddles。 side grills I ve never seen those outside of a magazine Nice Sure wish I had sixty thousand dollars laying around This was exactly why it was better for Rosalie to only use her car out of town。 I wound through the throng of lustful boys to my car; after a second of hesitation; Bella followed suit。 Ostentatious; I muttered as she climbed in。 What kind of car is that? she wondered。 An M3。 She frowned。 I don t speak Car and Driver。 It s a BMW。 I rolled my eyes and then focused on backing out without running anyone down。 I had to lock eyes with a few boys that didn t seem willing to move out of my way。 A halfsecond meeting my gaze seemed to be enough to convince them。 Are you still angry? I asked her。 Her frown had relaxed。
Definitely; she answered curtly。 I sighed。 Maybe I shouldn t have brought it up。 Oh well。 amends; I supposed。 Will you forgive me if I apologize? She thought about that for a moment。 you promise not to do it again。 I could try to make Maybe if you mean it; she decided。 And if I wasn t going to lie to her; and there was no way I was agreeing to that。 Perhaps if I offered her a different exchange。 How about if I mean it; and I agree to let you drive this Saturday? internally at the thought。 I cringed The furrow popped into existence between her eyes as she considered the new bargain。 Deal; she said after a moment of thought。 Now for my apology I d never tried to dazzle Bella on purpose before; but now seemed like a good time。 I stared deep into her eyes as I drove away from the school; wondering if I was doing it right。 I used my most persuasive tone。 Then I m very sorry I upset you。 Her heartbeat thudded louder than before; and the rhythm was abruptly staccato。 Her eyes widened; looking a little stunned。 I halfsmiled。 It seemed like I d gotten it right。 Of course; I was having a bit of difficulty looking away from her eyes; too。 Equally dazzled。 It was a good thing I had this road memorized。 And I ll be on your doorstep bright and early Saturday morning; I added; finishing the agreement。 She blinked swiftly; shaking her head as if to clear it。 Um; she said; it doesn t help with the Charlie situation if an unexplained Volvo is left in the driveway。 Ah; how little she still knew me。 How she started to ask。 I interrupted her。 The answer would be hard to explain without a demonstration; and now was hardly the time。 Don t worry about it。 I ll be there; no car。 She put her head on one side; and looked for a second like she was going to press for more; but then she seemed to change her mind。 Is it later yet? she asked; reminding me of our unfinished conversation in the cafeteria today; she d let go of one difficult question just to return another that was more unappealing。 I suppose it is later; I agreed unwillingly。 I parked in front of her house; tensing as I tried to think of how to explain without making my monstrous nature too evident; without frightening her again。 Or was that wrong? To minimalize my darkness? She waited with the same politely interested mask she d worn at lunch。 been less anxious; her preposterous calm would have made me laugh。 If I d I wasn t intending to bring a car。
And you still want to know why you can t see me hunt? I asked。 Well; mostly I was wondering about your reaction; she said。 Did I frighten you? I asked; positive that she would deny it。 No。 I tried not to smile; and failed。 I apologize for scaring you。 And then my smile vanished with the momentary humor。 It was just the very thought of you being there while we hunted。 That would be bad? The mental picture was too much Bella; so vulnerable in the empty darkness; myself; out of control I tried to banish it from my head。 Extremely。 Because ? I took a deep breath; concentrating for one moment on the burning thirst。 Feeling it; managing it; proving my dominion over it。 It would never control me again I willed that to be true。 I would be safe for her。 I stared at the wele clouds without seeing them; wishing I could believe that my determination would make any difference if I were hunting when I crossed her scent。 When we hunt we give ourselves over to our senses; I told her; thinking through each word before I spoke it。 Govern less with our minds。 Especiall
- 暮光之城5-午夜陽光
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