〃Three;〃 she answered tersely。
〃Three!〃 he scoffed。 〃Let them e。〃 The steel bands of muscle flexed
along his massive arms。
For a split second that seemed much longer than it really was; Carlisle
deliberated。 Only Emmett seemed unperturbed; the rest stared at
Carlisle"s face with anxious eyes。
〃Let"s just continue the game;〃 Carlisle finally decided。 His voice was
cool and level。 〃Alice said they were simply curious。〃
All this was said in a flurry of words that lasted only a few seconds。 I
had listened carefully and caught most of it; though I couldn"t hear what
Esme now asked Edward with a silent vibration of her lips。 I only saw the
slight shake of his head and the look of relief on her face。
〃You catch; Esme;〃 he said。 〃I"ll call it now。〃 And he planted himself in
front of me。
The others returned to the field; warily sweeping the dark forest with
their sharp eyes。 Alice and Esme seemed to orient themselves around where
I stood。
〃Take your hair down;〃 Edward said in a low; even voice。
I obediently slid the rubber band out of my hair and shook it out around
I stated the obvious。 〃The others are ing now。〃
〃Yes; stay very still; keep quiet; and don"t move from my side; please。〃
He hid the stress in his voice well; but I could hear it。 He pulled my
long hair forward; around my face。
〃That won"t help;〃 Alice said softly。 〃I could smell her across the
〃I know。〃 A hint of frustration colored his tone。
Carlisle stood at the plate; and the others joined the game halfheartedly。
〃What did Esme ask you?〃 I whispered。
He hesitated for a second before he answered。 〃Whether they were
thirsty;〃 he muttered unwillingly。
The seconds ticked by; the game progressed with apathy now。 No one dared
to hit harder than a bunt; and Emmett; Rosalie; and Jasper hovered in the
infield。 Now and again; despite the fear that numbed my brain; I was
aware of Rosalie"s eyes on me。 They were expressionless; but something
about the way she held her mouth made me think she was angry。
Edward paid no attention to the game at all; eyes and mind ranging the
〃I"m sorry; Bella;〃 he muttered fiercely。 〃It was stupid; irresponsible;
to expose you like this。 I"m so sorry。〃
I heard his breath stop; and his eyes zeroed in on right field。 He took a
half step; angling himself between me and what was ing。
Carlisle; Emmett; and the others turned in the same direction; hearing
sounds of passage much too faint for my ears。
They emerged one by one from the forest edge; ranging a dozen meters
apart。 The first male into the clearing fell back immediately; allowing
the other male to take the front; orienting himself around the tall;
darkhaired man in a manner that clearly displayed who led the pack。 The
third was a woman; from this distance; all I could see of her was that
her hair was a startling shade of red。
They closed ranks before they continued cautiously toward Edward"s
family; exhibiting the natural respect of a troop of predators as it
encounters a larger; unfamiliar group of its own kind。
As they approached; I could see how different they were from the Cullens。
Their walk was catlike; a gait that seemed constantly on the edge of
shifting into a crouch。 They dressed in the ordinary gear of backpackers:
jeans and casual buttondown shirts in heavy; weatherproof fabrics。 The
clothes were frayed; though; with wear; and they were barefoot。 Both men
had cropped hair; but the woman"s brilliant orange hair was filled with
leaves and debris from the woods。
Their sharp eyes carefully took in the more polished; urbane stance of
Carlisle; who; flanked by Emmett and Jasper; stepped guardedly forward to
meet them。 Without any seeming munication between them; they each
straightened into a more casual; erect bearing。
The man in front was easily the most beautiful; his skin olivetoned
beneath the typical pallor; his hair a glossy black。 He was of a medium
build; hardmuscled; of course; but nothing next to Emmett"s brawn。 He
smiled an easy smile; exposing a flash of gleaming white teeth。
The woman was wilder; her eyes shifting restlessly between the men facing
her; and the loose grouping around me; her chaotic hair quivering in the
slight breeze。 Her posture was distinctly feline。 The second male hovered
unobtrusively behind them; slighter than the leader; his light brown hair
and regular features both nondescript。 His eyes; though pletely still;
somehow seemed the most vigilant。
Their eyes were different; too。 Not the gold or black I had e to
expect; but a deep burgundy color that was disturbing and sinister。
The darkhaired man; still smiling; stepped toward Carlisle。
〃We thought we heard a game;〃 he said in a relaxed voice with the
slightest of French accents。 〃I"m Laurent; these are Victoria and James。〃
He gestured to the vampires beside him。
〃I"m Carlisle。 This is my family; Emmett and Jasper; Rosalie; Esme and
Alice; Edward and Bella。〃 He pointed us out in groups; deliberately not
calling attention to individuals。 I felt a shock when he said my name。
〃Do you have room for a few more players?〃 Laurent asked sociably。
Carlisle matched Laurent"s friendly tone。 〃Actually; we were just
finishing up。 But we"d certainly be interested another time。 Are you
planning to stay in the area for long?〃
〃We"re headed north; in fact; but we were curious to see who was in the
neighborhood。 We haven"t run into any pany in a long time。〃
〃No; this region is usually empty except for us and the occasional
visitor; like yourselves。〃
The tense atmosphere had slowly subsided into a casual conversation; I
guessed that Jasper was using his peculiar gift to control the situation。
〃What"s your hunting range?〃 Laurent casually inquired。
Carlisle ignored the assumption behind the inquiry。 〃The Olympic Range
here; up and down the Coast Ranges on occasion。 We keep a permanent
residence nearby。 There"s another permanent settlement li
- 绯色暮恋曲1
- 三个灵界师的纠缠爱恋:绯色暮恋曲1 作者:潼舞第一章 奏响,暮之恋曲(1)1、在繁华都市的郊区,平直的公路尽头,面水靠山,坐落着一座古色古香的宅邸。厚长的围墙上洒落着斑驳的树影,墙角的漆色经过数百年岁月的洗礼却依旧光亮如新绸,朱红的大门雕刻着繁复的花纹,高贵的传统风格中隐隐透露出一股神秘莫测的气息。
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- 暮光之城:暮色重生
- 书名:暮色重生作者(美)斯蒂芬妮·梅尔著;龚萍等译出版社:南宁接力出版社出版时间:2016.7原文:Twilight Tenth Anniversary/Life and Death Dual EditionISBN 978-7-5448-4465-9编辑推荐十年之后,贝拉与爱德华以全新的自己再次重
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- 暮色轮回[作者名 梁小城[类别 少女悬疑[最后更新时间 Tue Oct 05 20:25:14 CST 2010作品相关序[本章字数:101 最新更新时间:20100809 07:59:57.0]留在这里我们的背影如此的相似我们都曾彼此用那脆弱的背将彼此保护在安全的背影下这次我们彼此牵手不想再失去失
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- 暮色无尽
- 文案周偈真是不知道自己上辈子做了什么孽,竟然会喜欢上这么个没良心的小傻子。自己这么攻都拿不下他吗?还得兼职为长兄伸冤、为万妖谋福利,真是累死本王了。本王就想好好纠缠一个人,不想扛这种天降大任,行不行?请不要被开始的铺垫蒙蔽,这里是正经的耽美文,请耐心往后看,谢谢。低神幻背景,朝堂恩怨,种族冲突,其他
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