It was hard for me to follow Aro"s chaotic train of thought。 I struggled to keep up。 〃How can you stand
so close to het like that?〃
〃It"s not without effort;〃 Edward answered calmly。
〃Butstill—la tua cantante! What a waste!〃
Edward chuckled once without humor。 〃I look at it more as a price。〃
Aro was skeptical。 〃A very high price。〃
〃Opportunity cost。〃
Aro laughed。 〃If I hadn"t smelled her through your memories; I wouldn"t have believed the call of anyone"s
blood could be so strong。 I"ve never felt anything like it myself。 Most of us would trade much for such a
gift; and yet you…〃
〃Waste it;〃 Edward finished; his voice sarcastic now。
Aro laughed again。 〃Ah; how I miss my friend Carlisle! You remind me of him—only he was not so
〃Carlisle outshines me in many other ways as well。〃
〃I certainly never thought to see Carlisle bested for selfcontrol of all things; but you put him to shame。〃
〃Hardly。〃 Edward sounded impatient。 As if he were tired of the preliminaries。 It made me more afraid; I
couldn"t help but try to imagine what he expected would follow。
〃I am gratified by his success;〃 Aro mused。 〃Your memories of him are quite a gift for me; though they
astonish me exceedingly。 I am surprised by how it… pleases me; his success in this unorthodox path he"s
chosen。 I expected that he would waste; weaken with time。 I"d scoffed at his plan to find others who
would share his peculiar vision。 Yet; somehow; I"m happy to be wrong。〃
Edward didn"t reply。
〃But your restraint!〃 Aro sighed。 〃I did not know such strength was possible。 To inure yourself against
such a siren call; not just once but again and again—if I had not felt it myself; I would not have believed。〃
Edward gazed back at Aro"s admiration with no expression。 I knew his face well enough—time had not
changed that—to guess at something seething beneath the surface。 I fought to keep my breathing even。
〃Just remembering how she appeals to you…〃 Aro chuckled。 〃It makes me thirsty。〃
Edward tensed。
〃Don"t be disturbed;〃 Aro reassured him。 〃I mean her no harm。 But I am so curious; about one thing in
particular。〃 He eyed me with bright interest。 〃May I?〃 he asked eagerly; lifting one hand。
〃Ask her;〃 Edward suggested in a flat voice。
〃Of course; how rude of me!〃 Aro exclaimed。 〃Bella;〃 he addressed me directly now。 〃I"m fascinated that
you are the one exception to Edward"s impressive talent—so very interesting that such a thing should
occur! And I was wondering; since our talents are similar in many ways; if you would be so kind as to
allow me to try—to see if you are an exception for me; as well?〃
My eyes flashed up to Edward"s face in terror。 Despite Aro"s overt politeness; I didn"t believe I really had
a choice。 I was horrified at the thought of allowing him to touch me; and yet also perversely intrigued by
the chance to feel his strange skin。
Edward nodded in encouragement—whether because he was sure Aro would not hurt me; or because
there was no choice; I couldn"t tell。
I turned back to Aro and raised my hand slowly in front of me。 It was trembling。
He glided closer; and I believe he meant his expression to be reassuring。 But his papery features were
too strange; too alien and frightening; to reassure。 The look on his face was more confident than his
words had been。
Aro reached out; as if to shake my hand; and pressed his insubstantiallooking skin against mine。 It was
hard; but felt brittle—shale rather than granite—and even colder than I expected。
His filmy eyes smiled down at mine; and it was impossible to look away。 They were mesmerizing in an
odd; unpleasant way。
Aro"s face altered as I watched。 The confidence wavered and became first doubt; then incredulity before
he calmed it into a friendly mask。
〃So very interesting;〃 he said as he released my hand and drifted back。
My eyes flickered to Edward; and; though his face was posed; I thought he seemed a little smug。
Aro continued to drift wnh a thoughtful expression。 He was quiet for a moment; his eyes flickering
between the three of us。 Then; abruptly; he shook his head。
〃A first;〃 he said to himself 〃I wonder if she is immune to our other talents… Jane; dear?〃
〃No!〃 Edward snarled the word。 Alice grabbed his arm with a restraining hand。 He shook her off。
Little Jane smiled up happily at Aro。 〃Yes; Master?〃
Edward was truly snarling now; the sound ripping and tearing from him; glaring at Aro with baleful eyes。
The room had gone still; everyone watching him with amazed disbelief; as if he were mitting some
embarrassing social faux pas。 I saw Felix grin hopefully and move a step forward。 Aro glanced at him
once; and he froze in place; his grin turning to a sulky expression。
Then he spoke to Jane。 〃I was wondering; my dear one; if Bella is immune to you。〃
I could barely hear Aro over Edward"s furious growls。 He let go of me; moving to hide me from their
view。 Caius ghosted in our direction; with his entourage; to watch。
Jane turned toward us with a beatific smile。
〃Don"t!〃 Alice cried as Edward launched himself at the little girl。
Before I could react; before anyone could jump between them; before Aro"s bodyguards could tense;
Edward was on the ground。
No one had touched him; but he was on the stone floor writhing in obvious agony; while I stared in
Jane was smiling only at him now; and it all clicked together。 What Alice had said about formidable gifts
; why everyone treated Jane with such deference; and why Edward had thrown himself in her path before
she could do that to me。
〃Stop!〃 I shrieked; my voice echoing in the silence; jumping forward to put myself between them。 But
Alice threw her arms around me in an unbreakable grasp and ignored my struggles。 No sound escaped
Edward"s lips as he cringed against the stones。 It felt like my head would explode from the pain of
watching this。
〃Jane;〃 Aro recalled her in a tranquil voice。 She looked up quickly; still smiling with pleasure; her eyes
questioning。 As soon as Jane looked away; Edward was still。
Aro inclined
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