〃Jane;〃 Aro recalled her in a tranquil voice。 She looked up quickly; still smiling with pleasure; her eyes
questioning。 As soon as Jane looked away; Edward was still。
Aro inclined his head toward me。
Jane turned her smile in my direction。
I didn"t even meet her gaze。 I watched Edward from the prison of Alice"s arms; still struggling pointlessly。
〃He"s fine;〃 Alice whispered in a tight voice。 As she spoke; he sat up; and then sprang lightly to his feet。
His eyes met mine; and they were horrorstruck。 At first I thought the horror was for what he had just
suffered。 But then he looked quickly at Jane; and back to me—and his face relaxed into relief。
I looked at Jane; too; and she no longer smiled。 She glared at me; her jaw clenched with the intensity of
her focus。 I shrank back; waiting for the pain。
Nothing happened。
Edward was by my side again。 He touched Alice"s arm; and she surrendered me to him。
Aro started to laugh。 〃Ha; ha。 ha;〃 he chuckled。 〃This is wonderful!〃
Jane hissed in frustration; leaning forward like she was preparing to spring。
〃Don"t be put out; dear one;〃 Aro said in a forting tone; placing a powderlight hand on her shoulder。
〃She confounds us all。〃
Jane"s upper lip curled back ever her teeth as she continued to glare at me。
〃Ha; ha; ha;〃 Aro chortled again。 〃You"re very brave; Edward; to endure in silence。 I asked Jane to do
that to me once—just out of curiosity。〃 He shook his head in admiration。
Edward glared; disgusted。
〃So what do we do with you now?〃 Aro sighed。
Edward and Alice stiffened。 This was the part they"d been waiting for。 I began to tremble。
〃I don"t suppose there"s any chance that you"ve changed your mind?〃 Aro asked Edward hopefully。
〃Your talent would be an excellent addition to our little pany。〃
Edward hesitated。 From the corner of my eye; I saw both Felix and Jane grimace。
Edward seemed to weigh each word before he spoke it。 〃I"d… rather… not。〃
〃Alice?〃 Aro asked; still hopeful。 〃Would you perhaps be interested in joining with us?〃
〃No; thank you;〃 Alice said。
〃And you; Bella?〃 Aro raised his eyebrows。
Edward hissed; low in my ears。 I stared at Aro blankly。 Was he joking? Or was he really asking me if I
wanted to stay for dinner?
It was the whitehaired Caius who broke the silence。
〃What?〃 he demanded of Aro; his voice; though no more than a whisper; was flat。
〃Caius; surely you see the potential;〃 Aro chided him affectionately。 〃I haven"t seen a prospective talent
so promising since we found Jane and Alec。 Can you imagine the possibilities when she is one of us?〃
Caius looked away with a caustic expression。 Jane"s eyes sparked with indignation at the parison。
Edward fumed beside me。 I could hear a rumble in his chest; building toward a growl。 I couldn"t let his
temper get him hurt。
〃No; thank you;〃 I spoke up in barely more than a whisper; my voice breaking in fright。
Aro sighed。 〃That"s unfortunate。 Such a waste。〃
Edward hissed。 〃Join or die; is that it? I suspected as much when we were brought to this room。 So
much for your laws。〃
The tone of his voice surprised me。 He sounded irate; but there was something deliberate about his
delivery—as if he"d chosen his words with great care。
〃Of course not。〃 Aro blinked; astonished。 〃We were already convened here; Edward; awaiting Heidi"s
return。 Not for you。〃
〃Aro;〃 Caius hissed。 〃The law claims them。〃
Edward glared at Caius。 〃How so?〃 he demanded。 He must have known what Caius was thinking; but he
seemed determined to make him speak it aloud。
Caius pointed a skeletal finger at me。 〃She knows too much。 You have exposed our secrets。〃 His voice
was papery thin; just like his skin。
〃There are a few humans in on your charade here; as well;〃 Edward reminded him; and I thought of the
pretty receptionist below。
Caius"s face twisted into a new expression。 Was it supposed to be a smiled。
〃Yes;〃 he agreed。 〃But when they are no longer useful to us; they will serve to sustain us。 That is not your
plan for this one。 If she betrays our secrets; are you prepared to destroy her? I think not;〃 he scoffed。
〃I wouldn"t—;〃 I began; still whispering。 Caius silenced me with an icy look。
〃Nor do you intend to make her one of us;〃 Caius continued。 〃Therefore; she is a vulnerability。 Though it
is true; for this; only her life is forfeit。 You may leave if you wish。〃
Edward bared his teeth。
〃That"s what I thought;〃 Caius said; with something akin to pleasure。 Felix leaned forward; eager。
〃Unless…〃 Aro interrupted。 He looked unhappy with the way the conversation had gone。 〃Unless you do
intend to give her immortality?〃
Edward pursed his lips; hesitating for a moment before he answered。 〃And if I do?〃
Aro smiled; happy again。 〃Why; then you would be free to go home and give my regards to my friend
Carlisle。〃 His expression turned more hesitant。 〃But I"m afraid you would have to mean it。〃
Aro raised his hand in front of him。
Caius; who had begun to scowl furiously; relaxed。
Edward"s lips tightened into a fierce line。 He stared into my eyes; and I stared back。
〃Mean it;〃 I whispered。 〃Please。〃
Was it really such a loathsome idea? Would he rather die than change me? I felt like I"d been kicked in
the stomach。
Edward stared down at me with a tortured expression。
And then Alice stepped away from us; forward toward Aro。 We turned to watch her。 Her hand was
raised like his。
She didn"t say anything; and Aro waved off his anxious guard as they moved to block her approach。 Aro
met her halfway; and took her hand with an eager; acquisitive glint in his eyes。
He bent his head over their touching hands; his eyes closing as he concentrated。 Alice was motionless;
her face blank。 I heard Edward"s teeth snap together。
No one moved。 Aro seemed frozen over Alice"s hand。 The seconds passed and I grew more and more
stressed; wondering how much time would pass before it was too much time。 Before it meant something
was wrong—more wrong than it already was。
Another agonizing moment passed; and then Aro"s voice broke the
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