lawyer。 Upon this; the third day of junketing; it was tiresome
to have to restrain oneself even from such innocent
excursions of fancy。 She dared not question William; he was
inscrutable; he never seemed even to follow the other couple
with curiosity when they separated; as they frequently did;
to name a plant; or examine a fresco。 Cassandra was constantly
studying their backs。 She noticed how sometimes
the impulse to move came from Katharine; and sometimes
from Ralph; how; sometimes; they walked slow; as if in profound
intercourse; and sometimes fast; as if in passionate。
When they came together again nothing could be more unconcerned
than their manner。
“We have been wondering whether they ever catch a
fish …” or; “We must leave time to visit the Maze。” Then;
to puzzle her further; William and Ralph filled in all interstices
of mealtimes or railway journeys with perfectly
goodtempered arguments; or they discussed politics; or
they told stories; or they did sums together upon the
backs of old envelopes to prove something。 She suspected
that Katharine was absentminded; but it was impossible
to tell。 There were moments when she felt so young and
inexperienced that she almost wished herself back with
the silkworms at Stogdon House; and not embarked upon
this bewildering intrigue。
These moments; however; were only the necessary
shadow or chill which proved the substance of her bliss;
Virginia Woolf
and did not damage the radiance which seemed to rest
equally upon the whole party。 The fresh air of spring; the
sky washed of clouds and already shedding warmth from
its blue; seemed the reply vouchsafed by nature to the
mood of her chosen spirits。 These chosen spirits were to
be found also among the deer; dumbly basking; and among
the fish; set still in midstream; for they were mute sharers
in a benignant state not needing any exposition by the
tongue。 No words that Cassandra could e by expressed
the stillness; the brightness; the air of expectancy which
lay upon the orderly beauty of the grass walks and gravel
paths down which they went walking four abreast that
Sunday afternoon。 Silently the shadows of the trees lay
across the broad sunshine; silence wrapt her heart in its
folds。 The quivering stillness of the butterfly on the half
opened flower; the silent grazing of the deer in the sun;
were the sights her eye rested upon and received as the
images of her own nature laid open to happiness and
trembling in its ecstasy。
But the afternoon wore on; and it became time to leave
the gardens。 As they drove from Waterloo to Chelsea;
Katharine began to have some punction about her
father; which; together with the opening of offices and
the need of working in them on Monday; made it difficult
to plan another festival for the following day。 Mr。 Hilbery
had taken their absence; so far; with paternal benevolence;
but they could not trespass upon it indefinitely。
Indeed; had they known it; he was already suffering from
their absence; and longing for their return。
He had no dislike of solitude; and Sunday; in particular;
was pleasantly adapted for letterwriting; paying calls;
or a visit to his club。 He was leaving the house on some
such suitable expedition towards teatime when he found
himself stopped on his own doorstep by his sister; Mrs。
Milvain。 She should; on hearing that no one was at home;
have withdrawn submissively; but instead she accepted
his halfhearted invitation to e in; and he found himself
in the melancholy position of being forced to order
tea for her and sit in the drawingroom while she drank
it。 She speedily made it plain that she was only thus
exacting because she had e on a matter of business。
He was by no means exhilarated at the news。
Night and Day
“Katharine is out this afternoon;” he remarked。 “Why
not e round later and discuss it with her—with us
both; eh?”
“My dear Trevor; I have particular reasons for wishing
to talk to you alone… 。 Where is Katharine?”
“She’s out with her young man; naturally。 Cassandra
plays the part of chaperone very usefully。 A charming
young woman that—a great favorite of mine。” He turned
his stone between his fingers; and conceived different
methods of leading Celia away from her obsession; which;
he supposed; must have reference to the domestic affairs
of Cyril as usual。
“With Cassandra;” Mrs。 Milvain repeated significantly。
“With Cassandra。”
“Yes; with Cassandra;” Mr。 Hilbery agreed urbanely;
pleased at the diversion。 “I think they said they were
going to Hampton Court; and I rather believe they were
taking a protege of mine; Ralph Denham; a very clever
fellow; too; to amuse Cassandra。 I thought the arrangement
very suitable。” He was prepared to dwell at some
length upon this safe topic; and trusted that Katharine
would e in before he had done with it。
“Hampton Court always seems to me an ideal spot for
engaged couples。 There’s the Maze; there’s a nice place
for having tea—I forget what they call it—and then; if
the young man knows his business he contrives to take
his lady upon the river。 Full of possibilities—full。 Cake;
Celia?” Mr。 Hilbery continued。 “I respect my dinner too
much; but that can’t possibly apply to you。 You’ve never
observed that feast; so far as I can remember。”
Her brother’s affability did not deceive Mrs。 Milvain; it
slightly saddened her; she well knew the cause of it。 Blind
and infatuated as usual!
“Who is this Mr。 Denham?” she asked。
“Ralph Denham?” said Mr。 Hilbery; in relief that her
mind had taken this turn。 “A very interesting young man。
I’ve a great belief in him。 He’s an authority upon our
mediaeval institutions; and if he weren’t forced to earn
his living he would write a book that very much wants
“He is not well off; then?” Mrs。 Milvain interposed。
“Hasn’t a penny; I’m afraid; and a family more or less
Virginia Woolf
dependent on him。”
“A mother and sisters?— His father is dead?”
- 我为皇帝写起居注的日日夜夜
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