precisely it was。
“I find Cassandra;” she repeated。
“She missed her train;” Katharine interposed; seeing
that Cassandra was unable to speak。
“Life;” began Mrs。 Hilbery; drawing inspiration from the
portraits on the wall apparently; “consists in missing trains
and in finding—” But she pulled herself up and remarked
that the kettle must have boiled pletely over everything。
To Katharine’s agitated mind it appeared that this kettle
was an enormous kettle; capable of deluging the house
in its incessant showers of steam; the enraged representative
of all those household duties which she had neglected。
She ran hastily up to the drawingroom; and the
rest followed her; for Mrs。 Hilbery put her arm round
Cassandra and drew her upstairs。 They found Rodney ob
serving the kettle with uneasiness but with such absence
of mind that Katharine’s catastrophe was in a fair way to
be fulfilled。 In putting the matter straight no greetings
were exchanged; but Rodney and Cassandra chose seats
as far apart as possible; and sat down with an air of
people making a very temporary lodgment。 Either Mrs。
Hilbery was impervious to their disfort; or chose to
ignore it; or thought it high time that the subject was
changed; for she did nothing but talk about Shakespeare’s
“So much earth and so much water and that sublime
spirit brooding over it all;” she mused; and went on to
sing her strange; halfearthly song of dawns and sunsets;
of great poets; and the unchanged spirit of noble loving
which they had taught; so that nothing changes; and
one age is linked with another; and no one dies; and we
all meet in spirit; until she appeared oblivious of any one
in the room。 But suddenly her remarks seemed to contract
the enormously wide circle in which they were soaring
and to alight; airily and temporarily; upon matters of
more immediate moment。
Virginia Woolf
“Katharine and Ralph;” she said; as if to try the sound。
“William and Cassandra。”
“I feel myself in an entirely false position;” said William
desperately; thrusting himself into this breach in her
reflections。 “I’ve no right to be sitting here。 Mr。 Hilbery
told me yesterday to leave the house。 I’d no intention of
ing back again。 I shall now—”
“I feel the same too;” Cassandra interrupted。 “After what
Uncle Trevor said to me last night—”
“I have put you into a most odious position;” Rodney
went on; rising from his seat; in which movement he was
imitated simultaneously by Cassandra。 “Until I have your
father’s consent I have no right to speak to you—let
alone in this house; where my conduct”—he looked at
Katharine; stammered; and fell silent—”where my conduct
has been reprehensible and inexcusable in the extreme;”
he forced himself to continue。 “I have explained
everything to your mother。 She is so generous as to try
and make me believe that I have done no harm—you
have convinced her that my behavior; selfish and weak as
it was—selfish and weak—” he repeated; like a speaker
who has lost his notes。
Two emotions seemed to be struggling in Katharine;
one the desire to laugh at the ridiculous spectacle of
William making her a formal speech across the teatable;
the other a desire to weep at the sight of something
childlike and honest in him which touched her inexpressibly。
To every one’s surprise she rose; stretched out her
hand; and said:
“You’ve nothing to reproach yourself with—you’ve been
always—” but here her voice died away; and the tears
forced themselves into her eyes; and ran down her cheeks;
while William; equally moved; seized her hand and pressed
it to his lips。 No one perceived that the drawingroom
door had opened itself sufficiently to admit at least half
the person of Mr。 Hilbery; or saw him gaze at the scene
round the teatable with an expression of the utmost
disgust and expostulation。 He withdrew unseen。 He paused
outside on the landing trying to recover his selfcontrol
and to decide what course he might with most dignity
pursue。 It was obvious to him that his wife had entirely
confused the meaning of his instructions。 She had plunged
Night and Day
them all into the most odious confusion。 He waited a
moment; and then; with much preliminary rattling of the
handle; opened the door a second time。 They had all regained
their places; some incident of an absurd nature
had now set them laughing and looking under the table;
so that his entrance passed momentarily unperceived。
Katharine; with flushed cheeks; raised her head and said:
“Well; that’s my last attempt at the dramatic。”
“It’s astonishing what a distance they roll;” said Ralph;
stooping to turn up the corner of the hearthrug。
“Don’t trouble—don’t bother。 We shall find it—” Mrs。
Hilbery began; and then saw her husband and exclaimed:
“Oh; Trevor; we’re looking for Cassandra’s engagement
Mr。 Hilbery looked instinctively at the carpet。 Remarkably
enough; the ring had rolled to the very point where
he stood。 He saw the rubies touching the tip of his boot。
Such is the force of habit that he could not refrain from
stooping; with an absurd little thrill of pleasure at being
the one to find what others were looking for; and; picking
the ring up; he presented it; with a bow that was
courtly in the extreme; to Cassandra。 Whether the making
of a bow released automatically feelings of plaisance
and urbanity; Mr。 Hilbery found his resentment pletely
washed away during the second in which he bent and
straightened himself。 Cassandra dared to offer her cheek
and received his embrace。 He nodded with some degree
of stiffness to Rodney and Denham; who had both risen
upon seeing him; and now altogether sat down。 Mrs。
Hilbery seemed to have been waiting for the entrance of
her husband; and for this precise moment in order to put
to him a question which; from the ardor with which she
announced it; had evidently been pressing for utterance
for some time past。
“Oh; Trevor; please tell me; what was the d
- 我为皇帝写起居注的日日夜夜
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