Terri flew from her house like a fury; with her hands outstretched like claws; and the policewoman had to catch her round the middle and swing her away from Krystal; whose face she was trying to lacerate。
‘Yeh little bitch; yeh little bitch; what’ve yeh done ter Robbie?’
Krystal dodged the struggling pair; darted into the house and slammed the front door behind her。
‘For fuck’s sake;’ muttered the policeman under his breath。
Miles away in Hope Street; Kay and Gaia Bawden faced each other in the dark hallway。 Neither of them was tall enough to replace the light bulb that had been dead for days; and they had no ladder。 All day long; they had argued and almost made up; then argued again。 Finally; at the moment when reconciliation seemed within touching distance; when Kay had agreed that she too hated Pagford; that it had all been a mistake; and that she would try and get them both back to London; her mobile had rung。
‘Krystal Weedon’s brother’s drowned;’ whispered Kay; as she cut Tessa’s call。
‘Oh;’ said Gaia。 Knowing that she ought to express pity; but frightened to let discussion of London drop before she had her mother’s firm mitment; she added; in a tight little voice; ‘That’s sad。’
‘It happened here in Pagford;’ said Kay。 ‘Along the road。 Krystal was with Tessa Wall’s son。’
Gaia felt even more ashamed of letting Fats Wall kiss her。 He had tasted horrible; of lager and cigarettes; and he had tried to feel her up。 She was worth much more than Fats Wall; she knew that。 If it had even been Andy Price; she would have felt better about it。 Sukhvinder had not returned one of her calls; all day long。
‘She’ll be absolutely broken up;’ said Kay; her eyes unfocused。
‘But there’s nothing you can do;’ said Gaia。 ‘Is there?’
‘Well …’ said Kay。
‘Not again!’ cried Gaia。 ‘It’s always; always the same! You’re not her social worker any more! What;’ she shouted; stamping her foot as she had done when she was a little girl; ‘about me?’
The police officer in Foley Road had already called a duty social worker。 Terri was writhing and screaming and trying to beat at the front door; while from behind it came the sounds of furniture being dragged to form a barricade。 Neighbours were ing out onto their doorsteps; a fascinated audience to Terri’s meltdown。 Somehow the cause of it was transmitted through the watchers; from Terri’s incoherent shouts and the attitudes of the ominous police。
‘The boy’s dead;’ they told each other。 Nobody stepped forward to fort or calm。 Terri Weedon had no friends。
‘e with me;’ Kay begged her mutinous daughter。 ‘I’ll go to the house and see if I can do anything。 I got on with Krystal。 She’s got nobody。’
‘I bet she was shagging Fats Wall when it happened!’ shouted Gaia; but it was her final protest; and a few minutes later she was buckling herself into Kay’s old Vauxhall; glad; in spite of everything; that Kay had asked her along。
But by the time they had reached the bypass; Krystal had found what she was looking for: a bag of heroin concealed in the airing cupboard; the second of two that Obbo had given Terri in payment for Tessa Wall’s watch。 She took it; with Terri’s works; into the bathroom; the only room that had a lock on the door。
Her aunt Cheryl must have heard what had happened; because Krystal could hear her distinctive raucous yell; added to Terri’s screams; even through the two doors。
‘You little bitch; open the door! Letcha mother see ya!’
And the police shouting; trying to shut the two women up。
Krystal had never shot up before; but she had watched it happen many times。 She knew about longboats; and how to make a model volcano; and she knew how to heat the spoon; and about the tiny little ball of cotton wool you used to soak up the dissolved smack; and act as a filter when you were filling the syringe。 She knew that the crook of the arm was the best place to find a vein; and she knew to lay the needle as flat as possible against the skin。 She knew; because she had heard it said; many times; that first…timers could not take what addicts could manage; and that was good; because she did not want to take it。
Robbie was dead; and it was her fault。 In trying to save him; she had killed him。 Flickering images filled her mind as her fingers worked to achieve what must be done。 Mr Fairbrother; running alongside the canal bank in his tracksuit as the crew rowed。 Nana Cath’s face; fierce with pain and love。 Robbie; waiting for her at the window of his foster home; unnaturally clean; jumping up and down with excitement as she approached the front door …
She could hear the policeman calling to her through the letter box not to be a silly girl; and the policewoman trying to quieten Terri and Cheryl。
The needle slid easily into Krystal’s vein。 She pressed the plunger down hard; in hope and without regret。
By the time Kay and Gaia arrived; and the police decided to force their way in; Krystal Weedon had achieved her only ambition: she had joined her brother where nobody could part them。
Nearly three weeks after the sirens had wailed through sleepy Pagford; on a sunny morning in April; Shirley Mollison stood alone in her bedroom; squinting at her reflection in the mirrored wardrobe。 She was making final adjustments to her dress before her now…daily drive to South West General。 The belt buckle slid up a hole tighter than it had done a fortnight ago; her silver hair was in need of a trim and her grimace against the sunshine blazing into the room could have been a simple expression of her mood。
When Miles acpanied her to the hospital; she could let him do all the talking to Howard; which he did; keeping up a steady monologue of Pagford news。 She felt so much better – both more visible and more protected – with tall Miles walking beside her down the chilly corridors。 He chatted genially to the nurses; and handed her in and out of the car; and restored to her the sense of being a rare creature; worthy of care and protection。 But Miles could not e every day; and to Shirley’s profound irritation he kept deputizing Samantha to acpany her。 This was not the same thing at all; even th
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