nk why they’re having the service here in Pagford …’
She longed to suggest that they drive past the church on the way to the hospital – she had a craving to see what the Weedon family looked like en masse; and to glimpse; perhaps; that degenerate junkie mother – but could think of no way to frame the request。
‘You know; there’s one fort; Shirley;’ she said; as they set off for the bypass。 ‘The Fields are as good as gone。 That must be a fort to Howard。 Even if he can’t attend council for a while; he got that done。’
Andrew Price was speeding down the steep hill from Hilltop House; with the sun hot on his back and the wind in his hair。 His week…old shiner had turned yellow and green; and looked; if possible; even worse than it had when he had turned up at school with his eye almost closed。 Andrew had told the teachers who enquired that he had fallen off his bike。
It was now the Easter holidays; and Gaia had texted Andrew the previous evening to ask whether he would be going to Krystal’s funeral the next day。 He had sent an immediate ‘yes’; and was now dressed; after much deliberation; in his cleanest jeans and a dark grey shirt; because he did not own a suit。
He was not very clear why Gaia was going to the funeral; unless it was to be with Sukhvinder Jawanda; to whom she seemed to cling more fondly than ever; now that she was moving back to London with her mother。
‘Mum says she should never have e to Pagford;’ Gaia had told Andrew and Sukhvinder happily; as the three of them sat on the low wall beside the newsagent’s at lunchtime。 ‘She knows Gavin’s a total twat。’
She had given Andrew her mobile number and told him that they would go out together when she came to Reading to see her father; and even mentioned; casually; taking him to see some of her favourite places in London; if he visited。 She was showering benefits around her in the manner of a demob…happy soldier; and these promises; made so lightly; gilded the prospect of Andrew’s own move。 He had greeted the news that his parents had had an offer on Hilltop House with at least as much excitement as pain。
The sweeping turn into Church Row; usually made with an uplift of spirits; dampened them。 He could see people moving around in the graveyard; and he wondered what this funeral was going to be like; and for the first time that morning thought of Krystal Weedon in more than the abstract。
A memory; long buried in the deepest recesses of his mind; came back to him; of that time in the playground at St Thomas’s; when Fats; in a spirit of disinterested investigation; had handed him a peanut hidden inside a marshmallow … he could still feel his burning throat closing inexorably。 He remembered trying to yell; and his knees giving way; and the children all around him; watching with a strange; bloodless interest; and then Krystal Weedon’s raucous scream。
‘Andiprice iz ’avin’ a ’lurgycacshun!’
She had run; on her stocky little legs; all the way to the staff room; and the headmaster had snatched Andrew up and sprinted with him to the nearby surgery; where Dr Crawford had administered adrenalin。 She was the only one who had remembered the talk that their teacher had given the class; explaining Andrew’s life…threatening condition; the only one to recognize his symptoms。
Krystal ought to have been given a gold merit star; and perhaps a certificate at assembly as Pupil of the Week; but the very next day (Andrew remembered it as clearly as his own collapse) she had hit Lexie Mollison so hard in the mouth that she had knocked out two of Lexie’s teeth。
He wheeled Simon’s bike carefully into the Walls’ garage; then rang the doorbell with a reluctance that had never been there before。 Tessa Wall answered; dressed in her best grey coat。 Andrew was annoyed with her; it was down to her that he had a black eye。
‘e in; Andy;’ said Tessa; and her expression was tense。 ‘We’ll just be a minute。’
He waited in the hallway; where the coloured glass over the door cast its paintboxy glow on the floorboards。 Tessa marched into the kitchen; and Andrew glimpsed Fats in his black suit; crumpled up in a kitchen chair like a crushed spider; with one arm over his head; as if he were fending off blows。
Andrew turned his back。 The two boys had had no munication since Andrew had led Tessa to the Cubby Hole。 Fats had not been to school for a fortnight。 Andrew had sent a couple of texts; but Fats had not replied。 His Facebook page remained frozen as it had been on the day of Howard Mollison’s party。
A week ago; without warning; Tessa had telephoned the Prices; told them that Fats had admitted to having posted the messages under the name The_Ghost_of_Barry_Fairbrother; and offered her deepest apologies for the consequences they had suffered。
‘So how did he know I had that puter?’ Simon had roared; advancing on Andrew。 ‘How did fucking Fats Wall know I did jobs after…hours at the printworks?’
Andrew’s only consolation was that if his father had known the truth; he might have ignored Ruth’s protests and continued to pummel Andrew until he was unconscious。
Why Fats had decided to pretend he had authored all the posts; Andrew did not know。 Perhaps it was Fats’ ego at work; his determination to be the mastermind; the most destructive; the baddest of them all。 Perhaps he had thought he was doing something noble; taking the fall for both of them。 Either way; Fats had caused much more trouble than he knew; he had never realized; thought Andrew; waiting in the hall; what it was like to live with a father like Simon Price; safe in his attic room; with his reasonable; civilized parents。
Andrew could hear the adult Walls talking in quiet voices; they had not closed the kitchen door。
‘We need to leave now;’ Tessa was saying。 ‘He’s got a moral obligation and he’s going。’
‘He’s had enough punishment;’ said Cubby’s voice。
‘I’m not asking him to go as a—’
‘Aren’t you?’ said Cubby sharply。 ‘For God’s sake; Tessa。 D’you think they’ll want him there? You go。 Stu can stay here with me。’
A minute later Tessa emerged from the kitchen; closing the door firmly behind her。
‘Stu isn’t ing; Andy;’ s
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