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第5章 以科学的方式搜寻全球最爆笑的笑话——幽默心理学
[1]H。 R。 Pollio & J。 W。 Edgerly… "edians and ic style"; in A。 J。 Chapman & H。 C。 Foot (eds) Humor and Laughter: Theory; Research; and Applications。 pages 215…44。 Transaction: New Jersey; 1996。
[2]C。 Davies… "Jewish jokes; anti…Semitic jokes and Hebredonian jokes"; in A。 Ziv (ed。}; Jewish Humour; pages 59…80。 Papyrus Publishing House: Tel Aviv; 1986。
[3]H。 A。 Wolff; C。 E。 Smith & H。 A。 Murray… "The Psychology of humor: 1。 A study of responses to race…disparagement jokes"; Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology #28; pages 345…65。 1934。
[4]J。 Morreall…Taking Laughter Seriously。 State University of New York Press: Albany; 1983。
[5]G。 R。 Maio; J。 M。 Otson; & J。 Bush… "Telling jokes that disparage social groups: Effects on the joke teller"s stereotypes"; Journal of Applied and Social Psychology #27(22); pages 1986…2000。 1997。
[6]B。 Seibt & J。 Ftrster… "Risky and careful processing under stereotype threat: How regulatory focus can enhance and deteriorate performance when self stereotypes are active"; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology #87; pages 38;56。 2004:
[7]R。 Provine …Laugbter: A Scientific Investigation。 Viking: New York; 2000。
[8]M。 Middleton & J。 Moland… "Humor in Negro and White subcultures: A study of jokes among university students"; American Sociological Review #24; pages 61…9。 1959。
[9]P。 J。 Castell & J。 H。 Goldstein… "Social occasions of joking: A cross cultural study" in A。 J。 Chapman & H。 C。 Foot (eds); It"s a Funny Thing; Humour; pages 193…7。 Pergamon Press: Oxford; 1976。
[10]J。 B。 Levine… "The feminine routine"; Journal of munication #26; pages 173…5。 1976。
[11]L。 La Fave; J。 Haddad & W。 A。 Maesen… "Superiority; enhanced self…esteem; and perceived incongruity humour theory" in T。 Chapman & H。 Foot (eds}; Humor and Laughter: Theory; Research and Applications; pages 63…91。 Transaction: New Jersey。 Copyright c。 1996 by Transaction。 Reprinted with permission of the publisher。
[12]Sir Harry Kroto originally presented us with a version of the joke in broad Glaswegian。 As we knew that the material in LaughLab would be read by people across the world; we created a version that would allow a much larger number of people to appreciate the joke。 Sir Harry Kroto"s original entry; which he much prefers; is reproduced below。
A guy is walking along the road in Glasgow and sees a man with a humungous great dog on the other side of the street。 He goes over and says; "Hey Jimmy; dis yer dawg byte?"
The man says; "Nu。"
So the guy pats the dog on the head; whereupon the dog snaps; and bites off a couple of fingers。 "Grrrrwrwrurrwrrfraarrrrrrrrrgggg… gggklle。。。umph。
The guy screams; "Aaaghgee;" as blood streams from his hand; and shouts; "A tawt yer said yer dawg dusna byte。"
The man says quietly with a look of calm diffidence; "Sna ma dawg。 "
[13]K。 Binsted & G。 Ritchie… "putational rules for punning riddles"; Humor: International Journal of Humor Research #10(1 ); pages 25…76。 1997。 Notes
[14]M。 Le Page… "Women"s orgasms are a turn…off for the brain"; New Scientist; page 14; 25 June 2005。
[15]H。 H。 Brownell & H。 Hardner… "Neuropsychological insights into humour" in J。 Durant and J。 Miller (eds); Laughing Matters: A Serious Look at Humour; pages 17…35。 Longman: Harlow; 1988。
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