symbol; shines before my mind。 While I walk about my chamber with
unsteady steps; my spirit sweeps skyward on eagle wings and looks out
with unquenchable vision upon the world of eternal beauty。
EVERYBODY takes his own dreams seriously; but yawns at the
breakfast…table when somebody else begins to tell the adventures of the
night before。 I hesitate; therefore; to enter upon an account of my
dreams; for it is a literary sin to bore the reader; and a scientific
sin to report the facts of a far country with more regard to point and
brevity than to plete and literal truth。 The psychologists have
trained a pack of theories and facts which they keep in leash; like so
many bulldogs; and which they let loose upon us whenever we depart from
the straight and narrow path of dream probability。 One may not even tell
an entertaining dream without being suspected of having liberally edited
it;……as if editing were one of the seven deadly sins; instead of a
useful and honourable occupation! Be it understood; then; that I am
discoursing at my own breakfast…table; and that no scientific man is
present to trip the autocrat。
I used to wonder why scientific men and others were always asking me
about my dreams。 But I am not surprised now; since I have discovered
what some of them believe to be the ordinary waking experience of one
who is both deaf and blind。 They think that I can know very little about
objects even a few feet beyond the reach of my arms。 Everything outside
of myself; according to them; is a hazy blur。 Trees; mountains; cities;
the ocean; even the house I live in are but fairy fabrications; misty
unrealities。 Therefore it is assumed that my dreams should have peculiar
interest for the man of science。 In some undefined way it is expected
that they should reveal the world I dwell in to be flat; formless;
colourless; without perspective; with little thickness and less
solidity……a vast solitude of soundless space。 But who shall put into
words limitless; visionless; silent void? One should be a disembodied
spirit indeed to make anything out of such insubstantial experiences。 A
world; or a dream for that matter; to be prehensible to us; must; I
should think; have a warp of substance woven into the woof of fantasy。
We cannot imagine even in dreams an object which has no counterpart in
reality。 Ghosts always resemble somebody; and if they do not appear
themselves; their presence is indicated by circumstances with which we
are perfectly familiar。
During sleep we enter a strange; mysterious realm which science has thus
far not explored。 Beyond the border…line of slumber the investigator may
not pass with his mon…sense rule and test。 Sleep with softest touch
locks all the gates of our physical senses and lulls to rest the
conscious will……the disciplinarian of our waking thoughts。 Then the
spirit wrenches itself free from the sinewy arms of reason and like a
winged courser spurns the firm green earth and speeds away upon wind
and cloud; leaving neither trace nor footprint by which science may
track its flight and bring us knowledge of the distant; shadowy country
that we nightly visit。 When we e back from the dream…realm; we can
give no reasonable report of what we met there。 But once across the
border; we feel at home as if we had always lived there and had never
made any excursions into this rational daylight world。
My dreams do not seem to differ very much from the dreams of other
people。 Some of them are coherent and safely hitched to an event or a
conclusion。 Others are inconsequent and fantastic。 All attest that in
Dreamland there is no such thing as repose。 We are always up and doing
with a mind for any adventure。 We act; strive; think; suffer and are
glad to no purpose。 We leave outside the portals of Sleep all
troublesome incredulities and vexatious speculations as to probability。
I float wraith…like upon clouds in and out among the winds; without the
faintest notion that I am doing anything unusual。 In Dreamland I find
little that is altogether strange or wholly new to my experience。 No
matter what happens; I am not astonished; however extraordinary the
circumstances may be。 I visit a foreign land where I have not been in
reality; and I converse with peoples whose language I have never heard。
Yet we manage to understand each other perfectly。 Into whatsoever
situation or society my wanderings bring me; there is the same
homogeneity。 If I happen into Vagabondia; I make merry with the jolly
folk of the road or the tavern。
I do not remember ever to have met persons with whom I could not at once
municate; or to have been shocked or surprised at the doings of my
dream…panions。 In its strange wanderings in those dusky groves of
Slumberland my soul takes everything for granted and adapts itself to
the wildest phantoms。 I am seldom confused。 Everything is as clear as
day。 I know events the instant they take place; and wherever I turn my
steps; Mind is my faithful guide and interpreter。
I suppose every one has had in a dream the exasperating; profitless
experience of seeking something urgently desired at the moment; and the
aching; weary sensation that follows each failure to track the thing to
its hiding…place。 Sometimes with a singing dizziness in my head I climb
and climb; I know not where or why。 Yet I cannot quit the torturing;
passionate endeavour; though again and again I reach out blindly for an
object to hold to。 Of course according to the perversity of dreams there
is no object near。 I clutch empty air; and then I fall downward; and
still downward; and in the midst of the fall I dissolve into the
atmosphere upon which I have been floating so precariously。
Some of my dreams seem to be traced one within another like a series of
concentric circles。 In sleep I think I cannot sleep。 I toss about in the
toils of tasks unfinished。 I decide to get up and read for a while。 I
know the shelf in my library where I keep the book I want。 The book has
no name; but I find it without difficulty。 I settle myself fortably
in the morris…chair; the great book open on my knee。 Not a word can I
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