the moon; and lives for ever。 The bride and bridegroom; for instance;
love each other very dearly。 I heard all about them this morning from a
brown…paper cartridge; who happened to be staying in the same drawer as
myself; and knew the latest Court news。〃 But the Catherine Wheel shook
her head。 〃Romance is dead; Romance is dead; Romance is dead;〃 she
murmured。 She was one of those people who think that; if you say the
same thing over and over a great many times; it bees true in the end。
Suddenly; a sharp; dry cough was heard; and they all looked round。
It came from a tall; supercilious…looking Rocket; who was tied to the
end of a long stick。 He always coughed before he made any observation;
so as to attract attention。
〃Ahem! ahem!〃 he said; and everybody listened except the poor
Catherine Wheel; who was still shaking her head; and murmuring;
〃Romance is dead。〃
〃Order! order!〃 cried out a Cracker。 He was something of a politician;
and had always taken a prominent part in the local elections; so he knew
the proper Parliamentary expressions to use。
〃Quite dead;〃 whispered the Catherine Wheel; and she went off to
As soon as there was perfect silence; the Rocket coughed a third time
and began。 He spoke with a very slow; distinct voice; as if he was
dictating his memoirs; and always looked over the shoulder of the person
to whom he was talking。 In fact; he had a most distinguished manner。
〃How fortunate it is for the King"s son;〃 he remarked; 〃that he is to be
The Happy Prince and Other Tales
married on the very day on which I am to be let off。 Really; if it had been
arranged beforehand; it could not have turned out better for him; but;
Princes are always lucky。〃
〃Dear me!〃 said the little Squib; 〃I thought it was quite the other way;
and that we were to be let off in the Prince"s honour。〃
〃It may be so with you;〃 he answered; 〃indeed; I have no doubt that it
is; but with me it is different。 I am a very remarkable Rocket; and e
of remarkable parents。 My mother was the most celebrated Catherine
Wheel of her day; and was renowned for her graceful dancing。 When she
made her great public appearance she spun round nieen times before
she went out; and each time that she did so she threw into the air seven
pink stars。 She was three feet and a half in diameter; and made of the
very best gunpowder。 My father was a Rocket like myself; and of French
extraction。 He flew so high that the people were afraid that he would
never e down again。 He did; though; for he was of a kindly
disposition; and he made a most brilliant descent in a shower of golden
rain。 The newspapers wrote about his performance in very flattering
terms。 Indeed; the Court Gazette called him a triumph of Pylotechnic art。〃
〃Pyrotechnic; Pyrotechnic; you mean;〃 said a Bengal Light; 〃I know it
is Pyrotechnic; for I saw it written on my own canister。〃
〃Well; I said Pylotechnic;〃 answered the Rocket; in a severe tone of
voice; and the Bengal Light felt so crushed that he began at once to bully
the little squibs; in order to show that he was still a person of some
〃I was saying;〃 continued the Rocket; 〃I was saying … What was I
〃You were talking about yourself;〃 replied the Roman Candle。
〃Of course; I knew I was discussing some interesting subject when I
was so rudely interrupted。 I hate rudeness and bad manners of every kind;
for I am extremely sensitive。 No one in the whole world is so sensitive
as I am; I am quite sure of that。〃
〃What is a sensitive person?〃 said the Cracker to the Roman Candle。
The Happy Prince and Other Tales
〃A person who; because he has corns himself; always treads on other
people"s toes;〃 answered the Roman Candle in a low whisper; and the
Cracker nearly exploded with laughter。
〃Pray; what are you laughing at?〃 inquired the Rocket; 〃I am not
〃I am laughing because I am happy;〃 replied the Cracker。
〃That is a very selfish reason;〃 said the Rocket angrily。 〃What right
have you to be happy? You should be thinking about others。 In fact; you
should be thinking about me。 I am always thinking about myself; and I
expect everybody else to do the same。 That is what is called sympathy。
It is a beautiful virtue; and I possess it in a high degree。 Suppose; for
instance; anything happened to me to…night; what a misfortune that would
be for every one! The Prince and Princess would never be happy again;
their whole married life would be spoiled; and as for the King; I know he
would not get over it。 Really; when I begin to reflect on the importance
of my position; I am almost moved to tears。〃
〃If you want to give pleasure to others;〃 cried the Roman Candle; 〃you
had better keep yourself dry。〃
〃Certainly;〃 exclaimed the Bengal Light; who was now in better spirits;
〃that is only mon sense。〃
〃mon sense; indeed!〃 said the Rocket indignantly; 〃you forget that
I am very unmon; and very remarkable。 Why; anybody can have
mon sense; provided that they have no imagination。 But I have
imagination; for I never think of things as they really are; I always think of
them as being quite different。 As for keeping myself dry; there is
evidently no one here who can at all appreciate an emotional nature。
Fortunately for myself; I don"t care。 The only thing that sustains one
through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody
else; and this is a feeling that I have always cultivated。 But none of you
have any hearts。 Here you are laughing and making merry just as if the
Prince and Princess had not just been married。〃
〃Well; really;〃 exclaimed a small Fire…balloon; 〃why not? It is a most
The Happy Prince and Other Tales
joyful occasion; and when I soar up into the air I intend to tell the stars all
about it。 You
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