atherswas seen moving through a broad pathway of the people; who drew backreverently; on either side; as the Governor and magistrates; the oldand wise men; the holy ministers; and all that were eminent andrenowned; advanced into the midst of them。 When they were fairly inthe market…place; their presence was greeted by a shout。 This…though doubtless it might acquire additional force and volume from thechild… like loyalty which the age awarded to its rulers… was felt tobe an irrepressible outburst of enthusiasm kindled in the auditorsby that high strain of eloquence which was yet reverberating intheir ears。 Each felt the impulse in himself; and; in the same breath;caught it from his neighbour。 Within the church; it had hardly beenkept down; beneath the sky; it pealed upward to the zenith。 There werehuman beings enough; and enough of highly wrought and symphoniousfeeling; to produce that more impressive sound than the organ tones ofthe blast; or the thunder; or the roar of the sea; even that mightyswell of many voices; blended into one great voice by the universalimpulse which makes likewise one vast heart out of the many。 Never;from the soil of New England; had gone up such a shout! Never; onNew England soil; had stood the man so honoured by his mortal brethrenas the preacher! How fared it with him then? Were there not the brilliant particlesof a halo in the air about his head! So etherealised by spirit as hewas; and so apotheosised by worshipping admirers; did his footsteps;in the procession; really tread upon the dust of earth? As the ranks of military men and civil fathers moved onward; alleyes were turned towards the point where the minister was seen toapproach among them。 The shout died into a murmur; as one portion ofthe crowd after another obtained a glimpse of him。 How feeble and palehe looked; amid all his triumph! The energy… or say; rather; theinspiration which had held him up; until he should have deliveredthe sacred message that brought its own strength along with it fromheaven… was withdrawn; now that it had so faithfully performed itsoffice。 The glow; which they had just before beheld burning on hischeek; was extinguished; like a flame that sinks down hopelessly amongthe late…decaying embers。 It seemed hardly the face of a man alive;with such a deathlike hue; it was hardly a man with life in him;that tottered on his path so nervelessly; yet tottered; and did notfall! One of his clerical brethren… it was the venerable John Wilson…observing the state in which Mr。 Dimmesdale was left by the retiringwave of intellect and sensibility; stepped forward hastily to offerhis support。 The minister tremulously; but decidedly; repelled the oldman"s arm。 He still walked onward; if that movement could be sodescribed; which rather resembled the wavering effort of an infant;with its mother"s arms in view; outstretched to tempt him forward。 Andnow; almost imperceptible as were the latter steps of his progress; hehad e opposite the well…remembered and weather…darkened scaffold;where; long since; with all that dreary lapse of time between;Hester Prynne had encountered the world"s ignominious stare。 Therestood Hester; holding little Pearl by the hand! And there was thescarlet letter on her breast! The minister here made a pause; althoughthe music still played the stately and rejoicing march to which theprocession moved。 It summoned him onward… onward to the festival!… buthere he made a pause。 Bellingham; for the last few moments; had kept an anxious eye uponhim。 He now left his own place in the procession; and advanced to giveassistance; judging; from Mr。 Dimmesdale"s aspect; that he mustotherwise inevitably fall。 But there was something in the latter"sexpression that warned back the magistrate; although a man not readilyobeying the vague intimations that pass from one spirit to another。The crowd; meanwhile; looked on with awe and wonder。 This earthlyfaintness was; in their view; only another phase of the ministers"celestial strength; nor would it have seemed a miracle too high tobe wrought for one so holy; had he ascended before their eyes;waxing dimmer and brighter; and fading at last into the light ofheaven! He turned towards the scaffold; and stretched forth his arms。 〃Hester;〃 said he; 〃e hither! e; my little Pearl!〃 It was a ghastly look with which he regarded them; but there wassomething at once tender and strangely triumphant in it。 The child;with the bird…like motion which was one of her characteristics; flewto him; and clasped her arms about his knees。 Hester Prynne… slowly;as if impelled by inevitable fate; and against her strongest will…likewise drew near; but paused before she reached him。 At thisinstant; old Roger Chillingworth thrust himself through the crowd… or;perhaps; so dark; disturbed; and evil was his look; he rose up outof some her region… to snatch back his victim from what he soughtto do! Be that as it might; the old man rushed forward; and caught theminister by the arm。 〃Madman; hold! what is your purpose?〃 whispered he。 〃Wave backthat woman! Cast off this child! All shall be well! Do not blackenyour fame; and perish in dishonour。 I can yet save you! Would youbring infamy on your sacred profession?〃 〃Ha; tempter! Methinks thou art too late!〃 answered the minister;encountering his eye; fearfully; but firmly。 〃Thy power is not what itwas! With God"s help; I shall escape thee now!〃 He again extended his hand to the woman of the scarlet letter。 〃Hester Prynne;〃 cried he; with a piercing earnestness; 〃in the nameof Him; so terrible and so merciful; who gives me grace; at thislast moment; to do what… for my own heavy sin and miserable agony… Iwithheld myself from doing seven years ago; e hither now; and twihy strength about me! Thy strength; Hester; but let it be guided bythe will which God hath granted me! This wretched and wronged oldman is opposing it with all his might!… with all his own might; andthe fiend"s! e; Hester; e! Support me up yonder scaffold!〃 The crowd was in a tumult。 The men of rank and dignity; who stoodmore immediately around the clergyman; were so taken by surprise;and so perplexed as to the purport of what they saw… unable to receivethe explanation which most readily presented its
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