s to the purport of what they saw… unable to receivethe explanation which most readily presented itself; or to imagine anyother… that they remained silent and inactive spectators of thejudgment which Providence seemed about to work。 They beheld theminister; leaning on Hester"s shoulder; and supported by her armaround him; approach the scaffold; and ascend its steps; while stillthe little hand of the sin…born child was clasped in his。 Old RogerChillingworth followed; as one intimately connected with the dramaof guilt and sorrow in which they had all been actors; and wellentitled; therefore; to be present at its closing scene。 〃Hadst thou sought the whole earth over;〃 said he; looking darkly atthe clergyman; 〃there was no one place so secret… no high place norlowly place; where thou couldst have escaped me… save on this veryscaffold!〃 〃Thanks be to Him who hath led me hither〃 answered the minister。 Yet he trembled; and turned to Hester with an expression of doubtand anxiety in his eyes; not the less evidently betrayed; that therewas a feeble smile upon his lips。 〃Is not this better;〃 murmured he; 〃than what we dreamed of in theforest?〃 〃I know not! I know not!〃 she hurriedly replied。 〃Better? Yea; so wemay both die; and little Pearl die with us!〃 〃For thee and Pearl; be it as God shall order;〃 said the minister;〃and God is merciful! Let me now do the will which He hath madeplain before my sight。 For; Hester; I am a dying man。 So let me makehaste to take my shame upon me!〃 Partly supported by Hester Prynne; and holding one hand of littlePearl"s; the Reverend Mr。 Dimmesdale turned to the dignified andvenerable rulers; to the holy ministers; who were his brethren; to thepeople; whose great heart was thoroughly appalled; yet overflowingwith tearful sympathy; as knowing that some deep life…matter… which;if full of sin; was full of anguish and repentance likewise… was nowto be laid open to them。 The sun; but little past its meridian;shone down upon the clergyman; and gave a distinctness to hisfigure; as he stood out from all the earth; to put in his plea ofguilty at the bar of Eternal Justice。 〃People of New England!〃 cried he; with a voice that rose over them;high; solemn; and majestic… yet had always a tremor through it; andsometimes a shriek; struggling up out of a fathomless depth of remorseand woe… 〃ye; that have loved me!… ye; that have deemed me holy…behold me here; the one sinner of the world! At last!… at last!… Istand upon the spot where; seven years since; I should have stood;here; with this woman; whose arm; more than the little strengthwherewith I have crept hitherward; sustains me; at this dreadfulmoment; from grovelling down upon my face! Lo; the scarlet letterwhich Hester wears! Ye have all shuddered at it! Wherever her walkhath been… wherever; so miserably burdened; she may have hoped to findrepose… it hath cast a lurid gleam of awe and horrible repugnanceround about her。 But there stood one in the midst of you; at whosebrand of sin and infamy ye have not shuddered!〃 It seemed; at this point; as if the minister must leave theremainder of his secret undisclosed。 But he fought back the bodilyweakness… and; still more; the faintness of heart… that was strivingfor the mastery with him。 He threw off all assistance; and steppedpassionately forward a pace before the woman and the child。 〃It was on him!〃 he continued; with a kind of fierceness; sodetermined was he to speak out the whole。 〃God"s eye beheld it! Theangels were forever pointing at it! The Devil knew it well; andfretted it continually with the touch of his burning finger! But hehid it cunningly from men; and walked among you with the mien of aspirit; mournful; because so pure in a sinful world!… and sad; becausehe missed his heavenly kindred! Now; at the death…hour; he stands upbefore you! He bids you look again at Hester"s scarlet letter! Hetells you; that; with all its mysterious horror; it is but theshadow of what he bears on his own breast; and that even this; his ownred stigma; is no more than the type of what has seared his inmostheart! Stand any here that question God"s judgment on a sinner?Behold! Behold a dreadful witness of it!〃 With a convulsive motion; he tore away the ministerial band frombefore his breast。 It was revealed! But it were irreverent to describethat revelation。 For an instant; the gaze of the horror…strickenmultitude was concentred on the ghastly miracle; while the ministerstood; with a flush of triumph in his face; as one who; in thecrisis of acutest pain; had won a victory。 Then; down he sank upon thescaffold! Hester partly raised him; and supported his head against herbosom。 Old Roger Chillingworth knelt down beside him; with a blank;dull countenance; out of which the life seemed to have departed。 〃Thou hast escaped me!〃 he repeated more than once。 〃Thou hastescaped me!〃 〃May God forgive thee!〃 said the minister。 〃Thou; too; hast deeplysinned!〃
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