trampled snake; and a red foam bubbled from his lips。
as soon as he was dead the emperor turned to me; and when he had
wiped away the bright sweat from his brow with a little napkin of
purfled and purple silk; he said to me; 〃art thou a prophet; that i
may not harm thee; or the son of a prophet; that i can do thee no
hurt? i pray thee leave my city to…night; for while thou art in it
i am no longer its lord。〃
and i answered him; 〃i will go for half of thy treasure。 give me
half of thy treasure; and i will go away。〃
he took me by the hand; and led me out into the garden。 when the
captain of the guard saw me; he wondered。 when the eunuchs saw me;
their knees shook and they fell upon the ground in fear。
there is a chamber in the palace that has eight walls of red
porphyry; and a brass…sealed ceiling hung with lamps。 the emperor
touched one of the walls and it opened; and we passed down a
corridor that was lit with many torches。 in niches upon each side
stood great wine…jars filled to the brim with silver pieces。 when
we reached the centre of the corridor the emperor spake the word
that may not be spoken; and a granite door swung back on a secret
spring; and he put his hands before his face lest his eyes should
be dazzled。
thou couldst not believe how marvellous a place it was。 there
were huge tortoise…shells full of pearls; and hollowed moonstones
of great size piled up with red rubies。 the gold was stored in
coffers of elephant…hide; and the gold…dust in leather bottles。
there were opals and sapphires; the former in cups of crystal; and
the latter in cups of jade。 round green emeralds were ranged in
order upon thin plates of ivory; and in one corner were silk bags
filled; some with turquoise…stones; and others with beryls。 the
ivory horns were heaped with purple amethysts; and the horns of
brass with chalcedonies and sards。 the pillars; which were of
cedar; were hung with strings of yellow lynx…stones。 in the flat
oval shields there were carbuncles; both wine…coloured and coloured
like grass。 and yet i have told thee but a tithe of what was
and when the emperor had taken away his hands from before his face
he said to me: 〃this is my house of treasure; and half that is in
it is thine; even as i promised to thee。 and i will give thee
camels and camel drivers; and they shall do thy bidding and take
thy share of the treasure to whatever part of the world thou
desirest to go。 and the thing shall be done to…night; for i would
not that the sun; who is my father; should see that there is in my
city a man whom i cannot slay。〃
but i answered him; 〃the gold that is here is thine; and the
silver also is thine; and thine are the precious jewels and the
things of price。 as for me; i have no need of these。 nor shall i
take aught from thee but that little ring that thou wearest on the
finger of thy hand。〃
and the emperor frowned。 〃it is but a ring of lead;〃 he cried;
〃nor has it any value。 therefore take thy half of the treasure and
go from my city。〃
〃nay;〃 i answered; 〃but i will take nought but that leaden ring;
for i know what is written within it; and for what purpose。〃
and the emperor trembled; and besought me and said; 〃take all the
treasure and go from my city。 the half that is mine shall be thine
and i did a strange thing; but what i did matters not; for in a
cave that is but a days journey from this place have; i hidden the
ring of riches。 it is but a days journey from this place; and it
waits for thy ing。 he who has this ring is richer than all the
kings of the world。 e therefore and take it; and the worlds
riches shall be thine。
but the young fisherman laughed。 love is better than riches; he
cried; and the little mermaid loves me。
nay; but there is nothing better than riches; said the soul。
love is better; answered the young fisherman; and he plunged into
the deep; and the soul went weeping away over the marshes。
and after the third year was over; the soul came down to the shore
of the sea; and called to the young fisherman; and he rose out of
the deep and said; why dost thou call to me?
and the soul answered; e nearer; that i may speak with thee;
for i have seen marvellous things。
so he came nearer; and couched in the shallow water; and leaned his
head upon his hand and listened。
and the soul said to him; in a city that i know of there is an inn
that standeth by a river。 i sat there with sailors who drank of
two different…coloured wines; and ate bread made of barley; and
little salt fish served in bay leaves with vinegar。 and as we sat
and made merry; there entered to us an old man bearing a leathern
carpet and a lute that had two horns of amber。 and when he had
laid out the carpet on the floor; he struck with a quill on the
wire strings of his lute; and a girl whose face was veiled ran in
and began to dance before us。 her face was veiled with a veil of
gauze; but her feet were naked。 naked were her feet; and they
moved over the carpet like little white pigeons。 never have i seen
anything so marvellous; and the city in which she dances is but a
days journey from this place。
now when the young fisherman heard the words of his soul; he
remembered that the little mermaid had no feet and could not dance。
and a great desire came over him; and he said to himself; it is
but a days journey; and i can return to my love; and he laughed;
and stood up in the shallow water; and strode towards the shore。
and when he had reached the dry shore he laughed again; and held
out his arms to his soul。 and his soul gave a great cry of joy and
ran to meet him; and entered into him; and the young fisherman saw
stretched before him upon the sand that shadow of the body that is
the body of the soul。
and his soul said to him; let us not tarry; but get hence at once;
for the sea…gods are jealous; and have monsters that do their
so they made haste; and all that night they journeyed beneath the
moon; and all t
- 女儿楼之石榴红
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- 石榴图
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