〃once upon a time;〃 said the linnet; 〃there was an honest little
fellow named hans。〃
〃was he very distinguished?〃 asked the water…rat。
〃no;〃 answered the linnet; 〃i dont think he was distinguished at
all; except for his kind heart; and his funny round good…humoured
face。 he lived in a tiny cottage all by himself; and every day he
worked in his garden。 in all the country…side there was no garden
so lovely as his。 sweet…william grew there; and gilly…flowers; and
shepherds…purses; and fair…maids of france。 there were damask
roses; and yellow roses; lilac crocuses; and gold; purple violets
and white。 columbine and ladysmock; marjoram and wild basil; the
cowslip and the flower…de…luce; the daffodil and the clove…pink
bloomed or blossomed in their proper order as the months went by;
one flower taking another flowers place; so that there were always
beautiful things to look at; and pleasant odours to smell。
〃little hans had a great many friends; but the most devoted friend
of all was big hugh the miller。 indeed; so devoted was the rich
miller to little hans; that be would never go by his garden without
leaning over the wall and plucking a large nosegay; or a handful of
sweet herbs; or filling his pockets with plums and cherries if it
was the fruit season。
〃real friends should have everything in mon; the miller used
to say; and little hans nodded and smiled; and felt very proud of
having a friend with such noble ideas。
〃sometimes; indeed; the neighbours thought it strange that the rich
miller never gave little hans anything in return; though he had a
hundred sacks of flour stored away in his mill; and six milch cows;
and a large flock of woolly sheep; but hans never troubled his head
about these things; and nothing gave him greater pleasure than to
listen to all the wonderful things the miller used to say about the
unselfishness of true friendship。
〃so little hans worked away in his garden。 during the spring; the
summer; and the autumn he was very happy; but when the winter came;
and he had no fruit or flowers to bring to the market; he suffered
a good deal from cold and hunger; and often had to go to bed
without any supper but a few dried pears or some hard nuts。 in the
winter; also; he was extremely lonely; as the miller never came to
see him then。
〃there is no good in my going to see little hans as long as the
snow lasts; the miller used to say to his wife; for when people
are in trouble they should be left alone; and not be bothered by
visitors。 that at least is my idea about friendship; and i am sure
i am right。 so i shall wait till the spring es; and then i
shall pay him a visit; and he will be able to give me a large
basket of primroses and that will make him so happy。
〃you are certainly very thoughtful about others; answered the
wife; as she sat in her fortable armchair by the big pinewood
fire; very thoughtful indeed。 it is quite a treat to hear you
talk about friendship。 i am sure the clergyman himself could not
say such beautiful things as you do; though he does live in a
three…storied house; and wear a gold ring on his little finger。
〃but could we not ask little hans up here? said the millers
youngest son。 if poor hans is in trouble i will give him half my
porridge; and show him my white rabbits。
〃what a silly boy you are! cried the miller; i really dont know
what is the use of sending you to school。 you seem not to learn
anything。 why; if little hans came up here; and saw our warm fire;
and our good supper; and our great cask of red wine; he might get
envious; and envy is a most terrible thing; and would spoil
anybodys nature。 i certainly will not allow hans nature to be
spoiled。 i am his best friend; and i will always watch over him;
and see that he is not led into any temptations。 besides; if hans
came here; he might ask me to let him have some flour on credit;
and that i could not do。 flour is one thing; and friendship is
another; and they should not be confused。 why; the words are spelt
differently; and mean quite different things。 everybody can see
〃how well you talk! said the millers wife; pouring herself out a
large glass of warm ale; really i feel quite drowsy。 it is just
like being in church。
〃lots of people act well; answered the miller; but very few
people talk well; which shows that talking is much the more
difficult thing of the two; and much the finer thing also; and he
looked sternly across the table at his little son; who felt so
ashamed of himself that he hung his head down; and grew quite
scarlet; and began to cry into his tea。 however; he was so young
that you must excuse him。〃
〃is that the end of the story?〃 asked the water…rat。
〃certainly not;〃 answered the linnet; 〃that is the beginning。〃
〃then you are quite behind the age;〃 said the water…rat。 〃every
good story…teller nowadays starts with the end; and then goes on to
the beginning; and concludes with the middle。 that is the new
method。 i heard all about it the other day from a critic who was
walking round the pond with a young man。 he spoke of the matter at
great length; and i am sure he must have been right; for he had
blue spectacles and a bald head; and whenever the young man made
any remark; he always answered pooh! but pray go on with your
story。 i like the miller immensely。 i have all kinds of beautiful
sentiments myself; so there is a great sympathy between us。〃
〃well;〃 said the linnet; hopping now on one leg and now on the
other; 〃as soon as the winter was over; and the primroses began to
open their pale yellow stars; the miller said to his wife that he
would go down and see little hans。
〃why; what a good heart you have! cried his wife; you are always
thinking of others。 and mind you take the big basket with you for
the flowers。
〃so the miller tied the sails of the windmill together with a
strong iron chain; and went down the hill with the basket on his
〃good morning; little hans; said the miller
- 快乐王子童话集(英文版)
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