process before us; the essential nature of freedom … which involves in it absolute necessity; — is to
be displayed as ing to a consciousness of itself (for it is in its very nature; self…consciousness)
and thereby realising its existence。 Itself is its own object of attainment; and the sole aim of Spirit。
This result it is; at which the process of the World"s History has been continually aiming; and to
which the sacrifices that have ever and anon been laid on the vast altar of the earth; through the
long lapse of ages; have been offered。 This is the only aim that sees itself realised and fulfilled; the
only pole of repose amid the ceaseless change of events and conditions; and the sole efficient
principle that pervades them。 This final aim is God"s purpose with the world; but God is the
absolutely perfect Being; and can; therefore; will nothing other than himself — his own Will。 The
Nature of His Will — that is; His Nature itself — is what we here call the Idea of Freedom;
translating the language of Religion into that of Thought。 The question; then; which we may next
put; is: What means does this principle of Freedom use for its realisation? This is the second point
we have to consider。
(2) The Means Spirit Uses to Realise Its Idea
§ 24
The question of the means by which Freedom develops itself to a World; conducts us to the
phenomenon of History itself。 Although Freedom is; primarily; an undeveloped idea; the means it
uses are external and phenomenal; presenting themselves in History to our sensuous vision。 The
first glance at History convinces us that the actions of men proceed from their needs; their
passions; their characters and talents; and impresses us with the belief that such needs; passions
and interests are the sole springs of action — the efficient agents in this scene of activity。 Among
these may; perhaps; be found aims of a liberal or universal kind — benevolence it may be; or noble
patriotism; but such virtues and general views are but insignificant as pared with the World
and its doings。 We may perhaps see the Ideal of Reason actualised in those who adopt such aims;
and within the sphere of their influence; but they bear only a trifling proportion to the mass of the
human race; and the extent of that influence is limited accordingly。 Passions; private aims; and the
satisfaction of selfish desires; are on the other hand; most effective springs of action。 Their power
lies in the fact that they respect none of the limitations which justice and morality would impose on
them; and that these natural impulses have a more direct influence over man than the artificial and
tedious discipline that tends to order and self…restraint; law and morality。 When we look at this
display of passions; and the consequences of their violence; the Unreason which is associated not
;only with them; but even (rather we might say especially) with good designs and righteous aims;
when we see the evil; the vice; the ruin that has befallen the most flourishing kingdoms which the
mind of man ever created; we can scarce avoid being filled with sorrow at this universal taint of
corruption: and; since this decay is not the work of mere Nature; but of the Human Will — a moral
embitterment — a revolt of the Good Spirit (if it have a place within us) may well be the result of
our reflections。 Without rhetorical exaggeration; a simply truthful bination of the miseries that
have overwhelmed the noblest of nations and polities; and the finest exemplars of private virtue; —
forms a picture of most fearful aspect; and excites emotions of the profoundest and most hopeless
sadness; counter…balanced by no consolatory result。 We endure in beholding it a mental torture;
allowing no defence or escape but the consideration that what has happened could not be
otherwise; that it is a fatality which no intervention could alter。 And at last we draw back from the
intolerable disgust with which these sorrowful reflections threaten us; into the more agreeable
environment of our individual life — the Present formed by our private aims and interests。 In short
we retreat into the selfishness that stands on the quiet shore; and thence enjoy in safety the distant
spectacle of “wrecks confusedly hurled。” But even regarding History as the slaughter…bench at
which the happiness of peoples; the wisdom of States; and the virtue of individuals have been
victimised — the question involuntarily arises — to what principle; to what final aim these enormous
sacrifices have been offered。 From this point the investigation usually proceeds to that which we
have made the general mencement of our enquiry。 Starting from this we pointed out those
phenomena which made up a picture so suggestive of gloomy emotions and thoughtful reflections
— as the very field which we; for our part; regard as exhibiting only the means for realising what
we assert to be the essential destiny — the absolute aim; or — which es to the same thing —
the true result of the World"s History。 We have all along purposely eschewed “moral reflections”
as a method of rising from the scene of historical specialties to the general principles which they
embody。 Besides; it is not the interest of such sentimentalities; really to rise above those depressing
emotions; and to solve the enigmas of Providence which the considerations that occasioned them;
present。 It is essential to their character to find a gloomy satisfaction in the empty and fruitless
sublimities of that negative result。 We return then to the point of view which we have adopted;
observing that the successive steps (Momente) of the analysis to which it will lead us; will also
evolve the conditions requisite for answering the enquiries suggested by the panorama of sin and
suffering that history unfolds。
§ 25
The first remark we have to make; and which … though already presented more than once —
cannot be too often repeated when the occasion seems to call for it; — is that what we call the
principle; aim; destiny; or the nature and idea of Spirit; is something merely general and abstr
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