to find occupation within themselves; and to expend themselves on moral self…adulation。
§ 31
It is quite otherwise with the prehensive relations that History has to do with。 In this sphere are
presented those momentous collisions between existing; acknowledged duties; laws; and rights;
and those contingencies which are adverse to this fixed system; — which assail and even destroy
its foundations and existence; whose tenor may nevertheless seem good;… on the large scale
advantageous; — yes; even indispensable and necessary。 These contingencies realise themselves in
History: they involve a general principle of a different order from that on which depends the
permanence of a people or a State。 This principle is an essential phase in the development of the
creating Idea; of Truth striving and urging towards 'consciousness of' itself。 Historical men …
World…Historical Individuals … are those in whose aims such a general principle lies。
§ 32
Caesar; in danger of losing a position; not perhaps at that time of superiority; yet at least of
equality with the others who were at the head of the State; and of succumbing to those who were
just on the point of being his enemies; … belongs essentially to this category。 These enemies —
who were at the same time pursuing their personal aims — had the form of the constitution; and
the power conferred by an appearance of justice; on their side。 Caesar was contending for the
maintenance of his position; honour; and safety; and; since the power of his opponents included
the sovereignty over the provinces of the Roman Empire; his victory secured for him the conquest
of that entire Empire: and he thus became — though leaving the form of the constitution — the
Autocrat of the State。 That which secured for him the execution of a design; which in the first
instance was of negative import — the Autocracy of Rome; — was; however; at the same time an
independently necessary feature in the history of Rome and of the world。 It was not; then; his
private gain merely; but an unconscious impulse that occasioned the acplishment of that for
which the time was ripe。 Such are all great historical men — whose own particular aims involve
those large issues which are the will of the World…Spirit。 They may be called Heroes; inasmuch as
they have derived their purposes and their vocation; not from the calm; regular course of things;
sanctioned by the existing order; but from a concealed fount — one which has not attained to
phenomenal; present existence; — from that inner Spirit; still hidden beneath the surface; which;
impinging on the outer world as on a shell; bursts it in pieces; because it is another kernel than that
which belonged to the shell in question。 They are men; therefore; who appear to draw the impulse
of their life from themselves; and whose deeds have produced a condition of things and a plex
of historical relations which appear to be only their interest; and their work。
§ 33
Such individuals had no consciousness of the general Idea they were unfolding; while prosecuting
those aims of theirs; on the contrary; they were practical; political men。 But at the same time they
were thinking men; who had an insight into the requirements of the time — what was ripe for
development。 This was the very Truth for their age; for their world; the species next in order; so
to speak; and which was already formed in the womb of time。 It was theirs to know this nascent
principle; the necessary; directly sequent step in progress; which their world was to take; to make
this their aim; and to expend their energy in promoting it。 World…historical men — the Heroes of an
epoch — must; therefore; be recognised as it"s clear…sighted ones; their deeds; their words are
the best of that time。 Great men have formed purposes to satisfy themselves; not others。 Whatever
prudent designs and counsels they might have learned from others; would be the more limited and
inconsistent features in their career; for it was they who best understood affairs; from whom
others learned; and approved; or at least acquiesced in their policy。 For that Spirit which had
taken this fresh step in history is the inmost soul of all individuals; but in a state of unconsciousness
which the great men in question aroused。 Their fellows; therefore; follow these soul…leaders; for
they feel the irresistible power of their own inner Spirit thus embodied。 If we go on to cast a look
at the fate of these World…Historical persons; whose vocation it was to be the agents of the
World…Spirit; — we shall find it to have been no happy one。 They attained no calm enjoyment;
their whole life was labour and trouble; their whole nature was nought else but their
master…passion。 When their object is attained they fall off like empty hulls from the kernel。 They
die early; like Alexander; they are murdered; like Caesar; transported to St。 Helena。; like
Napoleon。 This fearful consolation — that historical men have not enjoyed what is called
happiness; and of which only private life (and this may be passed under very various external
circumstances) is capable; — this consolation those may draw from history; who stand in need of
it; and it is craved by Envy — vexed at what is great and transcendent; — striving; therefore; to
depreciate it; and to find some flaw in it。 Thus in modern times it has been demonstrated ad
nauseam that princes are generally unhappy on their thrones; in consideration of which the
possession of a throne is tolerated; and men acquiesce in the fact that not themselves but the
personages in question are its occupants。 The Free Man; we may observe; is not envious; but
gladly recognises what is great and exalted; and rejoices that it exists。
§ 34
It is in the light of those mon elements which constitute the interest and therefore the passions
of individuals; that these historical men are to be regarded。 They are great men; because they
willed and acplished something great; not a mere fancy; a mere intention; but that which
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